Letters to Heather - Reviews of Heather's Tummy Care & Help for IBS
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"Hi, I like you have had IBS since I can first remember. I was told that it was nerves, all in my head, colitis, spastic colon, etc. I have taken every medicine know to mankind. My doctor sent me to a specialist and he found nothing wrong with me after all the tests, so he said I have IBS. I asked him if there was a special diet or anything and he said no, just don't eat what irritates my bowels - well, everything irritates it. I have been going online to see what others have to say and much to my surprise and extreme delight I found you. I am going to get your book ASAP and start on the diet. I am so thankful that someone has thought enough to help those of us that suffer from this crippling syndrome. I am on disability and barely leave my home. I hardly eat at all but yet remain overweight. I am so looking forward to getting better and getting a life. Thank you."
Janet Adams, IBS Sufferer
"I recently came across your book while surfing the net to find a diet to cope with my IBS. I checked it out from my library and plan on buying it from the bookstore soon. I wanted to tell you that what you wrote about how people look at our condition and how hard it can be to deal with really hit the mark for me. I was diagnosed when I was fourteen after various tests. I had been missing school because I was constantly being picked on and my stress would manifest itself in the form of diarrhea and pain. After school, my IBS went dormant for about 15 years and now it's been back with a vengeance. I've been at wits end to lead a normal life again. If it weren't for the fact that I must have one of the most understanding bosses on earth and that I am a hard worker, I know I wouldn't have a job for all the trouble I've been having lately. I have been avoiding many foods that you mentioned, or I have been eating them the way you suggested for about a week and the pain has dropped off to at least half what it was. I am itching to try the recipes in the book. I am so glad that I finally have a reference point for the things I should and shouldn't be eating. I thank God that you wrote this book and I am going to bring it with me when I travel this summer as well. This means that I am not crazy because I get stomach aches, that it isn't all in my head. I just wanted to thank YOU for writing down your experiences and making me realize that I am definitely not alone. Sincerely,"
Deborah Austin, IBS Sufferer
"Thank you! I've had IBS since I was 9 (some of my earliest memories are of sitting in the back of a car in excruciating pain during family trips and not telling anyone). Reading your observations was like reading my own thoughts. I've learned from over 40 years of trial & error what works for my diet and you are right on the money. Even if I didn't love to read and cook I'd buy your book just to give you the support you deserve. The website is just terrific and serves you well. Keep it up and thank you again."
G. Rivera, IBS Sufferer
"Just to let you know, since I've started your IBS diet, I've had hardly any problems at all. It's brilliant. I've managed to get a copy of your book (in the UK) and I think it's great. Thanks again."
Heather Rayfield, IBS Sufferer
"I recently bought the IBS cookbook, and this weekend I made the orange-glazed chicken and chocolate fallen souffle cake for dinner. The food was wonderful and very easy on my usually-rebellious stomach. Thanks for getting this cookbook out there -- the recipes are great (can't wait to try them all) and the food tips have also been a lifesaver. I've noticed a big improvement since I started both a) trying to control the stress in my life and b) taking advantage of the suggestions in your cookbook. I'm going to tell my doctor about it - I'm sure she will want to recommend it to other patients with IBS. Thanks again for writing this book!"
Jeanne Wells, IBS Sufferer
"Dear Heather, I want to personally thank you for bringing hope back to my life. I have suffered with IBS for many years, and to say that it has interfered with the quality of my life is a vast understatement. I am an RN, and in my professional life, I have not accepted promotions because I could not bear the thought of the embarrassment of being in a meeting and having to leave in the middle of it because of an attack. I have always had to know where the rest rooms are located wherever I go, which is very limiting. Now I am retired, and would love to live a full and exciting life like I read that Tina Turner, Jane Fonda, Raquel Welch, and others in my age group do, but I cannot travel with my husband for adventure or to see my family, go out to eat with friends, or live what most people would consider a normal life. I love to visit my grandchildren who live two hours away, and go to their games and school functions, but I don't eat when I'm away from home for fear of an attack, so the trips are very tiring. Even though they are tiring, I go as often as possible because they bring so much joy to my life. Recently I was feeling very depressed and without hope because I could not make a two day drive to be with my aunt who needed me when she had open heart surgery. I called Unity Prayer Line and they sent me a prayer asking for faith that I could get better. I prayed for faith, and soon found your Web Site and ordered your book. I do now have faith that I can get better. I am following your diet and advice, and already do feel better. Your recipes are delicious - my husband and I especially love the Pumpkin Apple Spice Bread and the Peppermint Fudge Cake. I am looking forward to trying all your recipes. Most importantly, I am looking forward to living a normal life for the first time in many years. I have you to thank for that, Heather. I hope everyone with IBS has the opportunity to see your story and read your book. I certainly will write to Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. You have a very important message of hope that can change the life of millions. God bless you! I will be very happy for you to quote my letter on your web site. I feel that finding your web site was the answer to my prayer, and I am most grateful to you. I think how I have spent so many years suffering with IBS and trying to manage my life around the symptoms, but you haven't let the symptoms defeat you - you have done something beautiful with your life. You have studied the problem and tackled the same symptoms in such a constructive and positive way. Now you offer hope for a normal life to millions. I admire you and think you were inspired by God to help others. I'm looking forward to ordering your second book when it is ready. Thank you."
Carole Haynes, IBS Sufferer
Update from Carol Haynes a few months later:
"Hi Heather! I have enjoyed your book so much! The information is very helpful and the recipes are delicious. I think my husband and I have become addicted to Peppermint Fudge Cake. I recently purchased an ice cream freezer, and this afternoon I'm going to make Chocolate Chip Peppermint Ice Dream Sandwiches - sounds so good! I miss ice cream, and am so glad to have this recipe. Thank you again for this wonderful book. Sincerely,"
Carole Haynes, IBS Sufferer
"I want to thank you for your book on IBS and being compassionate about it. The recipes are wonderful and helpful. I am looking forward to your new book on IBS and the First Year- I can use the advise, support, and help! I also applaud you for trying to get on Oprah and wanting to inform the world about IBS. I didn't know what it was and if I did maybe I wouldn't have had to suffer for more than a year! IBS is more serious than people think and most people don't even know what it is. I think if people knew about it than they could recognize symptoms and talk to their doctor (even though doctors only give you pills) and maybe get other information like in your book so they can do something about IBS. Thank you for your dedication and your knowledge of IBS. Thank you."
Jami Powell, IBS Sufferer
"Hi. My name is Kelly. I got your book. Thanks for sharing it with those of use who suffer from IBS. Your book is just so special it helped save my life. I have a life again thanks to your book. God is looking out for me - he has sent me a very special angel. That angel is you. If I ever met you I'd give you a big hug. I just want to say thanks. You're a very special person. You've helped me get my life together. Thanks and God Bless. Lots of Love."
Kelly Carter, IBS Sufferer
"Hi Heather, I just wanted to write to you and thank you so much for your website. As a fellow IBS sufferer I feel like I finally have a thorough understanding of IBS. I have been to a gastroenterologist and tried a bunch of different things that have not worked. I'll admit that I was quick to quit, but because I didn't truly understand IBS I just thought the suggestions from doctors didn't work for me. I had a hard time with the diagnosis because they could not find anything physically wrong with me. I have friends with the same diagnosis with a range of symptoms and felt it was just a diagnosis when they could not come up with anything else. I had a hard time making the necessary changes when I didn't truly understand IBS or have lots of faith in my doctors. After finding your website I am completely confident that I do have IBS. I feel like this website and book were written specifically for me! I am finally ready to make the choice to change my lifestyle. I just ordered your book (two days ago) and look forward to its arrival. I have told several friends about your website as well. It has the most useful information (so many specifics) of any of the other IBS websites and literature that I have come across. I've noticed over the past year that my symptoms have gotten worse and know that I really have to commit to changes. So many of your suggestions make so much sense and are easy to incorporate into my eating habits. I don't know why I haven't heard the same information before. I will write again after I get my routine down and let you know how it is going. This is the first time that I feel like I will have control over my symptoms. I am really excited about your website and book and had to personally thank you. Do you ever come to the New York area to do talks? Will you consider making cooking videotapes (or have a cooking show possibly?) Thanks for reading my email and most importantly thank you for writing the book and having the amazing website."
Anna T., IBS Sufferer
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