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Eating for IBS is the
life changing cookbook for good digestive health. Discover the delicious diet that controls IBS!
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First Year: IBS
First Year: IBS is an essential guide that covers the
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Addresses: diet, stress management, yoga, hypnotherapy, travel, work concerns, social events, restaurants, holidays, children with IBS, support groups, and more!
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January 29, 2003 |
Comfort Food Special!
Tuna Casserole
4-6 Servings
3 c. dry macaroni or wide noodles
1 1/2 c. diced mushrooms
1 c. diced sweet white onion
1/2 c. diced celery
1/4 t. celery seed
1/2 t. salt
10-12 oz. pkg. silken tofu, drained
2 (6 oz.) cans white tuna in water
1 1/2 c. plain soy or rice milk
Baked Lays potato chips
Preheat oven to 350F. Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water with 2 teaspoons salt
until tender. Drain.
While pasta is cooking, saute mushrooms, onion, and celery in a large nonstick skillet sprayed with a little cooking oil.
Cook over medium high heat until very tender and golden, and liquid released from mushrooms has evaporated.
Puree cooked veggies in a blender or food processor with celery seed, salt, and tofu.
In a 9" square baking pan or casserole dish, combine cooked noodles, pureed veggie/tofu mix, and drained tuna.
Stir to mix well. Add soy milk and stir gently. Top with crushed baked potato chips as desired.
Bake for 35-40 minutes, until golden brown.
Serve with ketchup.
Hello to everyone -
This issue brings comfort in the dark days of winter!
First, the exciting debut of our
community IBS Message Boards. These boards are warm and
friendly places, so come join us today for help and support!
If you're browsing the boards while hunkered down inside on a cold and blustery winter's day, you're likely craving foods that are
comforting as well. One of these best-loved traditional favorites is Tuna Casserole, which many folks remember fondly from their
childhoods for the crushed potato chip topping. Typically, this recipe is made with a high-fat, dairy-based canned soup mix, plus
lots of whole milk as well. There's a healthier alternative, though, and the result is just as delicious -
as well as very fast and easy to prepare.
The basis of Tuna Casserole is the noodles, which give the perfect soluble fiber basis for a digestion-friendly meal. Canned white
tuna fish adds heart-healthy oils and protein, and soy milk replaces the dairy for extra nutrition. The real secret, though, is to
saute a blend
of fresh mushrooms, celery, and onions and then puree the mix with silken tofu.
The insoluble fiber of the fresh veggies is thus minimized but the good
nutrition remains. The creamy result is
a perfect stand-in
for the canned soup mix, with none of the trigger foods but all of the flavor! The final touch? Baked potato chips, crumbled over the
casserole for a golden, crunchy topping just like you remember. Delicious!
Best Wishes,
Heather Van Vorous
Equalactin is the only fiber supplement I'm aware of that focuses exclusively on helping Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferers,
and I am happy to welcome them as our first IBS Newsletter sponsor. I strictly limit advertising in this newsletter by
only accepting sponsors whose products I can personally endorse because I believe they have been credibly established
as genuinely helpful for people with IBS.
As many of you are already well-aware, soluble fiber can often minimize all symptoms of IBS. Equalactin is a
non-allergenic fiber that is comparable in its effects to soluble fiber.
Clinical trials of Equalactin have documented its effectiveness at
relieving chronic diarrhea, constipation, and the pain associated with bowel
dysfunction. Equalactin comes as chewable tablets, and is widely available in drugstores
throughout the US. People outside America can order Equalactin from
HardToFindBrands.com, which ships internationally.
-Heather |
Special News - IBS Message Boards for Diet, Recipes, and Yoga!
They're finally here! These long-awaited interactive boards are friendly, supportive places with three separate
forums to post questions and share information. One is for everyone following the
IBS Diet, so that they may share
dietary ideas, questions, and suggestions. The other is just for all you cooks
out there (from beginner to gourmet!) who have asked to share IBS Recipes. Both
boards have several moderators who are personally experienced with the IBS
diet, and who will help me ensure that board messages have accurate information
and remain supportive and focused. I have also had quite a few readers ask about following the
IBS diet in conjunction with other health issues such as gluten intolerance, pregnancy, diabetes, or polycystic ovarian syndrome.
The boards are the perfect place to address these concerns and share helpful ideas with others in the same situation.
Some of our moderators have special interests in these areas as well, and are
happy to share their experiences.
The third board focuses on Yoga for
Digestive Health,
and welcomes all levels of yoga experience, from new students to seasoned
instructors. I have heard
from several yoga teachers in the past who personally have IBS and are very familiar with helpful poses and practices, and
I hope to hear from them if they would like to help moderate this board. So
pour yourself a nice hot cup of peppermint or fennel tea (both very soothing for
IBS), pull up a comfy chair, and join us. We're delighted to have you!
become a new member of the boards
and start reading and posting,
just click here.
If you'd
like to browse the boards only (you won't be able to post until you register),
click here.
Please note that the boards are going live with this newsletter. I may be overwhelmed by the
initial response so if you contact me
about any problems, have patience - I will get back to you!
A special thank you to my readers for several of these news articles!
"Big Fat Lies - The Truth about the Atkins Diet"
The Center for Science in the Public Interest has published a recent Nutrition
Action Health Newsletter in rebuttal of a New York Times Magazine article that
supported the Atkins diet. The Health Newsletter sought out experts in
nutrition, medicine, and obesity research to give well-supported information
about low carb versus low fat diets, dietary factors in obesity and cancer, the
role of saturated fats, and the glycemic index.
Click here for more information...
IBS: At Least 4.6% of People With IBS May Have Undetected Celiac
A study explored people who were diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and found a sevenfold increase
over the normal population in the number of people with IBS who have celiac disease. The study conclusion
was that all patients with irritable bowel syndrome should be screened for celiac disease.
Click here for more
Hypnosis Soothes Indigestion and Reduces Need for Medication
Curing chronic indigestion may be as easy as closing your eyes,
relaxing, and imagining your symptoms going away. A new study shows hypnotherapy
can ease the pain, nausea, and bloating caused by an upset stomach and help
prevent future episodes. Researchers found hypnotherapy provided both immediate and
long-term relief to people with persistent indigestion and eliminated the need
for anti-indigestion medications as long as a year after treatment. Click here for more
Nutritional Therapy for Children with Crohn's Disease
Nutritional therapy may be a more effective treatment than steroids for children
with Crohn's disease, according to two studies presented at Digestive Disease
Week. Click here for more
IBS Symptoms are Sensitive to Psychological Stressors
Stress-triggered IBS symptoms may operate through an enhanced responsiveness of the emotional
motor system, a network of brain circuits that modulate arousal, viscerosomatic
perception, and autonomic responses associated with emotional responses,
including anxiety and anger. The aim of this study was to test the primary
hypothesis that IBS patients show altered perceptual responses to rectal balloon
distention during experimentally induced psychological stress compared with
healthy control subjects.
Click here for more information...
Can Birth Control Pills Help or Hurt IBS?
"My 16 year old daughter had been suffering from IBS. She was taking a number of
medications, watching what she was eating, and nothing helped. Then I realized that about 1 to 2 months prior to her symptoms
worsening she had been placed on a birth control pill that is also prescribed for acne. I
looked up the drug and found that common side effects were abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and
nausea. We took her off the pill three weeks ago and she is virtually
symptom-free. Neither her pediatrician nor her gastroenterologist had made the connection. She still has IBS, but now with
the proper diet she is off all medications." - Sherri C.
This situation points up the widely varying degree of side effects people with IBS can experience from prescription drugs, including
birth control pills. For many women, birth control pills actually help control menstruation-associated IBS attacks. IBS often worsens right before
and during menstruation, as the prostagladins that trigger uterine contractions can also
increase colonic motility. Excess prostagladins
can not only cause menstrual cramps, but intestinal cramping and diarrhea as well. Birth control pills often reduce or prevent both menstrual
cramps and their associated IBS attacks.
However, there is always the risk that the potential side effects of a drug, which for
birth control pills can include abdominal cramping, diarrhea, bloating, and (most commonly) nausea, will far
outweigh the potential benefits
to IBS. In addition, many drugs, including several types of birth control pills, contain lactose as a filler ingredient. For people who are sensitive to
dairy products, lactose can trigger IBS attacks.
This is an area where it's
crucial to get the advice and opinion of your doctor,
but it's important to do your own research as well. In terms of a person's reaction to any prescription medication, including
birth control pills, IBS can be a highly individualized disorder. Trust what
your body is telling you above all else.
Heather & Company is dedicated to serving people with
IBS. Our mission is to offer education, services, and products
allow people with IBS to successfully manage their symptoms
through lifestyle modifications. We currently offer the books
Eating for IBS and
First Year IBS, web
resources, seminars and classes, and Heather Cooks!, a healthy cooking
show on the internet and television. We will soon have other IBS services
available. Heather Van Vorous, an IBS sufferer since age 9, is the company
founder and president.
Our websites receive over 250,000 unique visitors each year, and our newsletter
is sent to over 11,000 people twice monthly. Every week over 100 new people join
our mailing list. Heather & Company and Heather Van Vorous offer the following...
The world's best-selling and best-reviewed books for IBS
The internet's largest IBS newsletter
The internet's only full-length cooking show, with thousands of subscribed viewers
Excerpts and recipes from Eating for IBS licensed by Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Included in 4th edition of Marquis Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare
Clinical research study based on Eating for IBS diet underway in the
private gastroenterology practice
of Dr. Noel Hershfield in Calgary, Canada
Dietary information used by the Radiology Department of the Cancer Centre in Birmingham, England, for treatment of radiation enteritis
Information requested by gastroenterologists and family physicians across the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia for IBS patient distribution
The "Authorized Expert" for Diet & Nutrition at the IBS Association and IBS Self Help Group forums
Finalist for an IACP Julia Child Cookbook Award 2001 - Eating for IBS
#17 on the Library Journal's Cookbook Bestseller list for 2000 - Eating for IBS
Work with corporate HR departments to offer employee IBS education programs.
Nominated for a Woman of Strength Award by Oxygen.com
Over 4,000 personal thank you letters received from readers worldwide for IBS dietary information
Foremost patient-expert on IBS in America
Sponsorship opportunities are available for the websites and this newsletter for companies and/or products that have been legitimately established as helpful
for digestive disorders.
click here to contact us for information.
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LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This email is not intended to replace the services of a physician,
nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Any application of the recommendations in
this email is at the reader's discretion. Heather Van Vorous and Heather & Company are not liable for any direct or indirect
claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this email and/or any web site(s) linked to/from it.
Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this email.
© 2003
Heather and Company. All rights reserved.