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August 13, 2003
Hello to everyone -
This newsletter goes out with a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has
voluntarily subscribed. Your support is overwhelming and your letters of
personal encouragement are so touching. I can't even begin to show my
appreciation, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart. (Subscribers will
have an extra special thank you sent their way next week!)
Today's newsletter
recipe features the glory of ripe summer
fruit, with a delicious (and beautiful!) Ginger Nectarine Cheesecake.
While traditional cheesecakes are tremendously high in fat and dairy triggers,
our version eliminates these digestive risks - but keeps every bit of their luscious
creaminess. If you've never cooked with silken tofu before, you won't believe
how easily it's transformed into a rich, smooth cheesecake with a delectably
light texture. Freshly grated gingerroot (and a surprise gingersnap crust) add
an unexpected flavor twist, and sliced fresh nectarines lend the sweetness of
summer. The combination of flavors is positively electric!
If you've
given up cheesecakes for desserts, be prepared for a delightful
surprise. With a very low fat content and the added bonus of ginger (a terrific digestive aid),
plus heart-healthy soy, this recipe is
not only safe for IBS, it's downright healthy. Most importantly, it's absolutely
scrumptious. Enjoy!
As always, the IBS newsletter is also chock full of articles on the latest GI health research, news, events, and
help for the IBS community.
I hope you find this issue both delicious and enlightening!
Best Wishes,
Heather Van Vorous
Ginger Nectarine Cheesecake
Makes one 10" cake, 14-16 Servings
1 1/2 cups finely crushed graham crackers
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 t molasses
1 T dark corn syrup
1/2 t ground ginger
Preheat oven to 325F. Lightly spray 10" non-stick heavy-gauge springform pan with cooking oil. Mix all crust ingredients together thoroughly and press firmly into pan. Bake 5-7 minutes. Cool on rack.
25 ounces silken firm tofu (a few ounces over or under is fine)
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
grated zest from 2 lemons
3 tablespoons cornstarch
2 T finely diced crystallized ginger
1 T freshly grated gingerroot with juice, strings and peel removed (takes about a 3" piece of fresh ginger)
2/3 - 3/4 cup granulated sugar, to taste
4 organic egg whites
1/8 t salt
2 large ripe nectarines, unpeeled, thinly sliced
apricot or peach jelly, for brushing
Blend all filling ingredients except egg whites and salt until smooth. Set aside. In a large bowl beat egg whites and salt until stiff peaks form.
Gradually fold tofu mixture into egg whites with a flexible rubber spatula. Pour into baked crust and bake for 17-20 minutes, until just barely set (filling will still be jiggly and not set at the very center).
Cool on rack, then carefully top with fanned-out nectarine slices in concentric circles. In a microwave heat a few spoonfuls of the jelly in a small bowl, checking and stirring every 20 seconds or so, until it's a thin and spreadable consistency. With a pastry brush, brush melted jelly over nectarine slices (or, with a teaspoon carefully spoon and spread melted jelly over slices). Chill cake until topping is set. Run a long thin knife around edge of pan, and carefully remove sides. Serve chilled.
For more fabulous recipes,
here for the IBS Recipe Board!
New IBS Support Group in Payson, Arizona!
I'm thrilled to announce the debut of a brand-new IBS support group in Payson, AZ!
This group is led by Michaela and David
Leonard; David is an IBS patient. Meetings are scheduled for the last Friday of
each month at 5:30 p.m., at the Payson Public Library. The group will emphasize
how to prevent symptoms with the IBS diet.
This new group is supported
by two local physicians, Dr. Cynthia Booth (ob/gyn) and Dr. James W. Schouten
(family practice). The doctors will address the medical issues of IBS.
Michaela and David are very excited to be able to help other people get
their lives back, and I would like to thank them for their terrific efforts!
Their new group has its very own message forum on the
IBS Support Boards, so if you're in the
Payson area and would like to join the group, please come post.
If you're not in Payson and would like to join an IBS support group, please
check the boards
for a group in your area. If you're ready to start an IBS support group in your
hometown, please
let us know and we'll provide
your group with their own message forum and try to offer other assistance as
NOTE: For all article links, please refresh your browser page if the article does not appear when you click on the link.
For Medscape and Cardiosource articles you may have to register in order to view articles (registration is free).
Bacteria in Milk Linked to Crohn's Disease and Possibly IBS
Researchers have found a "highly significant" link between
Crohn's disease and a mycobacterium that can be passed to humans in milk. St. George's Hospital
Medical School in London said they had detected Mycobacterium avium
paratuberculosis (MAP) bacteria in 92% of ileocolonic biopsy specimens from
patients with Crohn's disease but in only 26% of patients in a control
group. An unexpected finding of the research showed that patients with irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS) were also infected with the MAP bug. Recent work from
Sweden shows that people with IBS have inflamed gut nerves. There is a real
chance that the MAP bug may be inflaming people's gut nerves and causing IBS.
Click here for more
Against the Grain: The Growing Awareness of Celiac
Dr. Alessio Fasano, co-director of the University of Maryland's Center for Celiac Research,
focuses on spreading a truth among primary care physicians. Celiac
disease actually is one of the most common lifelong disorders in the United
States -- American doctors just have not been trained to look for it. This task -- making physicians more aware about celiac disease -- runs
counter to much of American conventional wisdom about the disorder's incidence. After screening more than 13,000 people in 32 states,
Dr. Fasano found that one in 133 Americans is at risk for celiac
disease. Those figures demonstrate a tremendous increase from the one in 4,700 Americans who had been
diagnosed. Estimates of the prevalence of celiac disease,
also called celiac sprue, now range from one in 100 to one in 300.
Celiac disease can be suspected if a patient complains of chronic diarrhea
that's been going on for several weeks; has other autoimmune diseases such as
type 1 diabetes, thyroid disorders, some types of arthritis or lupus, or if they
have a family history of those disorders; or is anemic and the condition cannot
be easily explained. But celiac can be defined even more broadly, with vomiting,
bloating or constipation, or symptoms that have nothing to do with
the gastrointestinal system, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, joint pain,
osteoporosis, depression or miscarriage. Many people with the disorder go undiagnosed for years. The typical time
between the onset and diagnosis in the United States is 11 to 13 years.
Sometimes the disease is triggered by severe emotional stress, surgery,
pregnancy or viral infections.
Click here for more
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Versus Education for IBS
Studies of psychological treatments and antidepressants in functional bowel
disorders (FBD) are methodologically limited. The aim of this study was to
assess the clinical efficacy and safety of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
against education (EDU), and desipramine (DES), an antidepressant, against placebo (PLA) in female
patients with moderate to severe FBD (irritable bowel syndrome, functional
abdominal pain, painful constipation, and unspecified FBD). Clinically meaningful subgroups to these treatments were also evaluated.
Click here for more
Gut Feelings: The Surprising Link Between Mood and Digestion
In the past -- back when scientists believed the mind and the body operated as
separate entities -- some physicians wrote off digestive distress with no sign
of organic disease as being "all in the head." But in recent years, that wall
has crumbled. Doctors now see intricate links between the nervous system and the
digestive system. The two realms constantly exchange streams of chemical and
electrical messages, and anything that affects one is likely to affect the
other. The connections between the two systems are so tight that scientists
often refer to them as one entity: the brain-gut axis. For people suffering from persistent digestive troubles
unconnected to disease, such as IBS, research suggests that reducing stress, depression,
and anxiety may go a long way toward calming the gut.
Click here for more
Milk Consumption in Constipation and Young
A recent study concluded that the mean daily consumption of cows milk was significantly higher
in infants and young children with chronic constipation and anal
fissures. Additionally, shorter duration of breastfeeding and early bottle
feeding with cows milk may play a role in the development of constipation and
anal fissure in infants and young children.
Click here for more
Looking for the latest IBS research and news?
Click here for the IBS Newsletter Archive
The IBS Research Library
"How can I find reputable GI health research studies without hunting all over the web?"
In response to countless reader requests for a fast and easy way to keep current with IBS and digestive health findings, I've
created the
IBS Research Library. This is an archive of news articles, clinical studies, and research related to
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and digestive health. Though the library includes a
wealth of current academic medical investigations and findings, the focus is on studies that document valid,
tangible sources of help for IBS symptoms.
The library is updated regularly and organized by relevant categories, including:
General IBS / Bowel Dysfunction
Alternative Therapy (Yoga, Acupuncture, etc.)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Psychological / Psychiatric
Gender / Hormones
Herbs, Probiotics, and Supplements
Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy
All articles include full attribution and copyright information, with website
origin link if applicable, so additional research can be pursued. Library articles are selected from reputable sources only,
and typically report findings from double-blind studies published in peer-reviewed journals.
If you are interested in a specific area of digestive health research, please
let me know and I'll try to add relevant articles to the library.
If you have a specific article you'd like to see included in the library, please
forward the information to me and I'll post the research.
Heather & Company is dedicated to serving people with
IBS. Our mission is to offer education, services, and products
allow people with IBS to successfully manage their symptoms
through lifestyle modifications. We currently offer the books
Eating for IBS and
First Year IBS, web
resources, seminars and classes, and Heather Cooks!, a healthy cooking
show on the internet and television. We also host the only patient-expert moderated IBS Message Boards on the internet with forums for diet, recipes,
hypnotherapy, yoga, plus Crohn's and Colitis. We will soon have other IBS services
and products available. Heather Van Vorous, an IBS sufferer since age 9, is the company
founder and president.
Our websites receive over 900,000 unique visitors each year, and our newsletter
is sent to over 17,000 people twice monthly. Every month over one thousand new people join
our mailing list. Heather & Company and Heather Van Vorous offer the following...
The world's best-selling and best-reviewed books for IBS
The internet's only IBS newsletter
The only full-length cooking show on television and the internet with a specific
focus on good digestive health
Developed the first and only comprehensive IBS dietary guidelines and recipes
Excerpts and recipes from Eating for IBS licensed by Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Included in 4th edition of Marquis Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare
Clinical research study based on Eating for IBS diet underway in the
private gastroenterology practice
of Dr. Noel Hershfield in Calgary, Canada
Dietary information used by the Radiology Department of the Cancer Centre in Birmingham, England, for treatment of radiation enteritis
Dietary information featured in Today's Dietitian 2003 cover story, "IBS: Suffering in Silence"
Information requested by gastroenterologists, family physicians, and
dietitians across the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia for IBS patient distribution
The "Authorized Expert" for Diet & Nutrition at the IBS Association and IBS Self Help Group forums
Finalist for an IACP Julia Child Cookbook Award 2001 - Eating for IBS
#17 on the Library Journal's Cookbook Bestseller list for 2000 - Eating for IBS
Work with corporate HR departments to offer employee IBS education programs.
Nominated for a Woman of Strength Award by Oxygen.com
Thousands of personal thank you letters received from readers worldwide for IBS dietary information
Exhibitor at Digestive Disease Week and American Dietetic Association conferences
Foremost patient-expert on IBS in America
Sponsorship opportunities are available for the message boards and this newsletter for companies and/or products that have been legitimately established as helpful
for digestive disorders.
click here to contact us for information.
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LEGAL DISCLAIMER - This email is not intended to replace the services of a physician,
nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Any application of the recommendations in
this email is at the reader's discretion. Heather Van Vorous and Heather & Company are not liable for any direct or indirect
claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this email and/or any web site(s) linked to/from it.
Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this email.
© 2003
Heather and Company. All rights reserved.