Eating for IBS Recipe Classic
Enjoy this week's classic IBS recipe!
Chocolate Silk Pudding
This is the richest pudding I have ever tasted. It's hard to believe that it is virtually fat-free. I grew up on homemade puddings and missed them dearly when IBS made it impossible for me to keep eating them. Fortunately, when I discovered non-dairy milks and a little kitchen sleight of hand, I could once again eat pudding to my heart's content.
What makes this recipe IBS friendly? The usual triggers in pudding - dairy, egg yolks - have been replaced with safe substitutes. High fat solid chocolate is replaced with unsweetened cocoa powder, which has both the fat and caffeine removed. What's not missing? Smooth, creamy, sweet chocolate goodness!
Makes 6 Servings
3 organic egg whites
6 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tablespoons Tummy Fiber Acacia
6 tablespoons cornstarch
dash salt
3 cups vanilla soy, rice, or oat milk
6 tablespoons corn syrup
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract (optional)
In a small bowl beat the egg whites until lightly frothy. Set aside.
In a heavy, large double boiler whisk together all dry ingredients to salt. Gradually whisk in the milk and corn syrup, and scrape around the bottom and edges of the pan with a rubber spatula until thoroughly blended. Set pan over boiling water and cook, whisking constantly until the mixture reaches a full boil. Continue whisking for one more minute, and remove from heat.
Carefully whisk several very large spoonfuls of hot pudding into the egg whites to temper (heat without scrambling) them. Then add the tempered egg mixture back to the pan of pudding and whisk well to thoroughly blend.
Return the pan to the heat and whisk constantly for one minute until mixture thickens. Remove from heat and whisk in vanilla (and almond) extract. Pour into six serving glasses and chill until cold.
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Heather Van Vorous & Heather's Tummy Care
Over 15 Years of IBS Business!
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Heather's Tummy Care
19203 70th Ave S
Kent, WA 98032 USA
© 2019 Heather Van Vorous, Heather's Tummy Care. All rights reserved.
Authored by Heather Van Vorous. May not be reproduced without permission.
USA Copyright Office Registration Number TXU 1-270-858 and others.