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Re: Protein suggestions...
      07/10/07 12:20 PM

Reged: 06/04/07
Posts: 169

From what I've read, soy is on the migraine trigger list because it contains tyramine (which is also found in foods like aged cheeses and red wine). After my migraine incident from the soy protein powder, I noticed that it would also happen after eating veggie burgers (with textured soy protein), luna bars (soy protein), and even stir fry dishes with tofu and soy sauce in them (no MSG). After eating such a meal, I would also get suddenly very sleepy about 10-15 minutes after eating. When I realized it was also giving me gas, I started cutting out soy altogether (except for the occasional soy chai latte or small amounts of soy lecithin in packaged foods), and I have indeed noticed a reduction in my headaches. I was eating a lot of soy at the time, which I'm sure contributed, and I would probably do okay with small amounts now if it doesn't cause me gas.

By the way, I also tend to get migraines at that time of month. If I may ask, how did you eliminate that problem? My gyn says it is probably due to estrogen withdrawal since I am on birth control pills.

IBS-A, Interstitial Cystitis, Migraines

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* Protein suggestions...
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* Re: Protein suggestions...
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* Re: Protein suggestions...
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* quinoa!
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* Re: Protein suggestions...
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* Re: Protein suggestions...
Jenny B
07/09/07 11:35 AM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/09/07 10:58 AM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
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* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/10/07 04:58 AM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
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* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/10/07 11:44 AM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/10/07 12:10 PM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/10/07 12:20 PM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/10/07 04:08 PM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/10/07 05:32 PM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/10/07 06:09 PM
* Re: Protein suggestions...
07/11/07 06:47 AM

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