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Balsamic Tomato Couscous
      01/08/06 08:49 AM

Reged: 10/08/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Northern NY

Balsamic Tomato Couscous
(Makes 8 servings)

This is a quick and yummy way to make couscous. The balsamic vinegar gives it a great flavor. I took it to a family gathering last night and it was a big hit!

2 cups nonfat vegetable broth or nonfat chicken broth
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 1/2 cups uncooked couscous
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 teaspoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
5 small tomatoes (I only used 3 and it was plenty)

In a medium pan, bring the broth to a boil.
When it is boiling add the basil and garlic and stir. Then add the couscous, cover the pan, and remove it from the heat. Let sit 5-10 minutes.
Chop the tomatoes.
In a small bowl mix the balsamic vinegar, the oil, and the pepper. Add the tomatoes.
When the couscous is ready add the tomato mixture and mix well.
Serve hot or cold.

From ladypit on Recipezaar

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* Balsamic Tomato Couscous
01/08/06 08:49 AM
* This is GREAT!!!
12/18/07 08:52 AM
* Re: This is GREAT!!!
04/08/08 02:03 PM
* Re: This is GREAT!!!
04/08/08 04:20 PM
* Re: Balsamic Tomato Couscous
jaime g
01/08/06 12:24 PM
* ooooh fabulous! i'll have to try this -nt-
Dr. Spice Yamin
01/08/06 09:59 AM
* Olive oil?
04/09/08 01:58 PM
* Re: Olive oil?
04/09/08 03:49 PM

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