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Re: Way to go Linz, and--
      12/01/05 12:01 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Way to go Linz, with your weightloss/habit modification. I hope it helps with your fibro & hypoglycemia.

I thought I'd share something that I've been playing with & loving--totally low g.i. and flexible.

It sounds gross, but I take a few zucchini and make a kind of slaw with them. Basically, it's the same process as grating/shredding for a muffin/loaf recipe. I salt/season and cook them (generally either nuke or bake/broil on a cookie sheet). I also like slicing them ultra fine like you might for scalloped potatoes. (I let the food processor do this).
I actually love mixing a few carrots in sometimes, or even grated potatoe. (It's really funky if you use different colours). I suspect that the zucchini "hash" or slaw would really rock with a bit of sweet potatoe, too! Definite funking up/adaptation potential (but due to nasty acid reflux at the moment I keep things VERY PLAIN & simple so they don't repell or burn!)

Another hugely satisfying mushroom idea (given to me by UWPONINE/Mandy)is "Mushroom crumbles." It's basically food processed mushrooms (tastes similar to meat, I suppose) and quick saute/season. It's funky if you put them in the oven to get a kind of crispy effect. Trust me, it's wicked and the SF is so low g.i., not to mention a great source of vitamin D and beta glucan.

Do you like eggplant? I'm enjoying it tremendously lately.
I love making eggplant chips--just eggplant slices baked on a cookie sheet, spritzed with Pam Spray. Be sure to salt, as eggplant is rather bitter and the salt "sweats" the bitterness out of them. Personally, I peel eggplant because the skins are rather tough (unless you find some japanese ones!). Eggplant guts are also good whipped as a condiment/side/topping--topped with a bit of parsley.

The fiber in vegetables lowers the glycemic load, tremendously--if you can tolerate them. Sometimes, playing with other blades (i.e. in cuts of veggies) is fun.


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* Hypoglycaemic diet - Ideas Needed!
11/14/05 06:18 AM
* Re: Hypoglycaemic diet - Ideas Needed!
12/05/05 02:22 PM
* Re: Hypoglycaemic diet - Ideas Needed!
12/05/05 02:53 PM
* Linz- sorry I didn't post sooner.. but...
12/02/05 04:28 AM
* Linz- good luck!
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* Re: Linz- good luck!
Snow for Sarala
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* Yo, Ruchie! re: ground puffed millet cereal
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* I know I'm a zillion years late responding Kate..and Linz,
Snow for Sarala
12/01/05 07:39 AM
* Re: Way to go Linz, and--
12/01/05 12:01 PM
* Eggplant?
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* Re: Eggplant? (Cyndy)
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* Re: Eggplant? (Cyndy)
01/03/06 01:22 PM
* Thanks for the ideas Kate!
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* You guys are making me hungry! -nt-
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* Hey Ruch
12/01/05 09:16 AM
* Re: Hey Ruch
Snow for Sarala
12/01/05 09:24 AM
* Re: Hey Ruch
12/01/05 11:28 AM
* Oh!! Is GI Glycemic Index??
Snow for Sarala
12/01/05 11:33 AM
* Yep!
12/01/05 11:39 AM
* Sorry to butt in here...
12/02/05 08:39 AM
* Not a prob!
12/02/05 08:55 AM
* Thanks Linz!
12/02/05 10:06 PM
* Re: Linz?
12/02/05 08:57 AM
* Re: Yep!
Snow for Sarala
12/01/05 11:55 AM
* Problem solved!
12/02/05 12:41 AM
* Re: Hypoglycaemic diet - Ideas Needed!
11/14/05 10:50 AM
* Kate
11/14/05 12:50 PM
* Re: Kate
11/14/05 02:12 PM
* Re: Hypoglycaemic diet - Ideas Needed!
11/14/05 06:51 AM

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