I love having all these new exotic things to try. I come across something every once in awhile that I've seen in the specialty ingredients, and I buy it. Kind of building a stock I guess you could say. It took me forever to find Mango Chutney. Then, after I finally found it (it was on the shelf over top of the red meat section at the grocery store). So, now of course, I ran across it again at another store, when I wasn't even looking for it. It's kind of like when you lose something and you tear the house apart looking for it and you never find it, but you do find something else you were trying to find two weeks ago. Sorry, started to kind of ramble there.... 
Anyway, I'm planning on using the miso tomorrow. I'm going to make the roasted miso salmon with rice, so I'll really be having it Monday night since it has to marinate. I know you said any kind was okay at the bottom of this recipe, that's why I figured it'd be safe, but I'll try a little taste when I open it, and maybe adjust the 1/3 cup.
I was at Whole Foods today looking for the Mushroom Soy Sauce. I did see a bunch of Thai sauces, so I'll check them out the next time I'm there.
When I buy the lemongrass at the store, they have them in an open refrigerated case in bunches standing up in a bucket with the ends in a little water. Maybe I'll try doing that with any leftover. I had some left from chicken satays I made last weekend. I did have it in the fridge. I'll have to check to see if it's still okay, I guess.
I can't wait to try the 5-spice chicken. I was so happy today when I found the shoyu. Now, I just don't know when to make it. Between all the yummy sounding recipes on this board, finding the ingredients to make new stuff from your book, plus stuff I've made from your book that have become favorites at our house, I think I've gone from "I don't know what to eat" to "I don't know what to eat next." And that is a good thing!
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