Can't have Kinnikiak brand.....Dalia, Kandee, Amy, Abby, Augie, Taly.....and all...
03/21/05 11:15 PM
any other ideas for me? i have to eat wheat/gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, meat free (mostly), citrus free, AND Kosher! Kinnikiak (sp) pizza crust looked yum...but it's not Kosher.
We don' have a I can't even puree my veggies (thank G-d for Imagine Soup at Whole Foods!)
I am NOT that great in the kitchen...tho I'm certaibnly trying! PLEASE PLEASE send me recipes! Anything! I AM having fun experimenting with fresh herbs on a tomato, or a potato (can't eat too many of those either).....but any recipes/ideas wouild be fantastic!
It' a bit of a rough time for now as I had bread again yesterday and now I have to go through the whole process AGAIN of getting it out of my system AND saying good bye to the stuff.
Also...any tips on how to deal wth watching hubby eat his french bread without bursting into tears? it was one of my absolute fav foods!
Sorry so long......I know you guys are here to help. Thank G-d for Heather and the board!!!! *hugs*
-------------------- Formerly known as Ruchie
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