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Quick, easy and tasty pasta chicken dish
      11/20/04 05:47 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

This is a really yummy pasta that I just threw together the other night in about 25 mins. Sorry for the estimated measurements - I don't tend to cook with measurements (really, when I say 'threw together' I mean it! LOL) I like to keep it quick and easy - and this dish really is. It's really not complicated at all, there's lots of pasta for soluble fiber (you could have it with bread too, good dipped in teh sauce), and some but not much tomato - tomato usually bothers me but not if it's in small amounts.

PASTA - boil water and cook the pasta. I was using large shells and was cooking for two with leftovers, so about half a bag.

SAUCE - simmer on medium low with cooked chicken breast (cut into chunks about the size of your pasta) while you are boiling the water and cooking the pasta. Mix in the pan:
- a little bit of cooking spray on the pan
- chicken broth (about 3/4 cup)
- tomato paste (1/4 cup)
- 1 tsp or more chili paste (if you want it a bit more spicy)
*** Note if you have a salsa that is not very chunky you could use it here instead of the tomato paste and chili!
- red wine vinegar (a few generous splashes, 3-4 tbsp?)
- generously sprinkle with dried herbs: basil, rosemary, and parsley (I had some fresh rosemary which was REALLY good with this) , and with salt and pepper

Anyway, that sauce will thicken a little bit as it simmers (med-low heat) and will also FILL the chiken with flavour. If it gets too dried out you can add some more chicken broth and vinegar (or just broth) if you wish. Basically you want the consistency to be not like a tomato sauce but more watery than that - kind like an oil sauce without the oil!

When the pasta's done cooking just mix it in with the chicken and sauce and serve with some more dried parsley sprinkled on top. Really tasty!

(Again, sorry for the lack of measurements! I never really learned to cook, ahem, properly! lol)



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* Quick, easy and tasty pasta chicken dish
11/20/04 05:47 PM
* Re: Quick, easy and tasty pasta chicken dish
Shell Marr
11/20/04 06:09 PM

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