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PLEASE!!! - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
      01/07/19 04:18 PM

Reged: 01/04/19
Posts: 16

Hi all, I am IBS-D since a child. Diagnosed with IBS in 1994 - GI specialists know nothing!!! I don't remember how long this group has been around, but I think i joined it not longer after it started and it literally saved my life. I cannot live without the peppermint oil caps and fiber!!! This post may be long, and for that I apologize.
On October 30th I had an, what I call, IBS attack. My standard descending colon cramping, hot/cold, nausea, followed by diarrhea, this episode because pretty severe cause the numbness and tingling in my hands and weakness, I was unable to hold myself on the toilet so I laid on the bathroom floor to finish (sorry) - while lying there I got this wave up pain up into my stomach that felt like someone put a pitch fork through my chest and stomach area. I thought was going to die right there on the floor. Finished got up and after that - I had very uncomfortable pain under my rib cage that felt like something was under there - that would go through into my back. If I rolled over on my right side while sleeping it would wake me up. Nausea, no more diarrhea or IBS attacks for a couple weeks. Finally because of this pain, my husband took me to the ER, they all thought gallbladder. Several tests later, blood work ok, ultrasound ok, blah blah blah - thinking ulcer - treated for that.
Fast forward about 2 weeks later - I have had unbelievable abdominal cramping and loose bowels every single day going on 4 weeks now. No matter what I eat. Some of the pain is worse then others, but always loose, no blood, no black tarry stools. I have NO idea where to go from here. I'm eating safe, have tried no gluten. Just had a negative cologard - have had several colonoscopies in my life, not one recently. I had an EDG this Thursday - waiting on the results and a stool cultures, waiting on those results as well. My questions is what the heck could this be??? Can it be Crohn's all of a sudden? Can it be Celiac all of a sudden? What do I eat - I've tried the BRAT died, nope - still cramping and diarrhea. And I've lost 8 lbs. Any help or advice is welcome!! Please - thank you!

Edited by OwensMimi (01/12/19 02:58 PM)

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* PLEASE!!! - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
01/07/19 04:18 PM
* Re: PLEASE!!! - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
07/22/19 11:55 AM
* Re: PLEASE!!! - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
11/04/19 10:31 AM
* Re: PLEASE!!! - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
07/28/19 05:29 PM
* Re: PLEASE!!! - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
11/04/19 10:35 AM
* Re: PLEASE!!! - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
01/14/19 02:59 PM
* Re: PLEASE!!! - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
05/20/19 06:13 PM
* PLEASE - needing help - hope this is the right place to post IBS-D
01/12/19 02:30 PM

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