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OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
      03/13/04 01:50 PM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

OK today's been kind of busy!First I had cleaning to do and then it was sign ups for t-ball. I had to run to the post office and then to my husbands office, My husband is moving his office and is painting the new one! So we have been busy picking out paint...ETC!!!

Then we went to lunch and back to the office..My son and husband are still painting ( they started and 8:00 am). So me and my little girl head off to Target. Had to get some food items and pick out a b-day gift for my brothers boy! Any how....get to Target and Lexi doesn't want to get in the shopping cart( no surprise). So she hangs on the back. We go down the bread aisle and she is now pulling the cart away from me. Before I can get to her she is hanging on the back and the cart is headed right for a post. I'm yelling STOP your going to get hurt....and bam!! She hit the post. I go running over to her. I thought it was going to be her head...nope her mouth! She had blood everywhere! I was so scared. I thought she knocked out her teeth (she's almost 3) I was frantic! Grabed my bag and headed for the door. Everyone is wondering what happened asking if she's I need help etc...she is everyone is aware of this. I have blood all over my clothes all over hers!!! Finaly I get her to the car. I get a look at her mouth and there is so much blood I just take her to the kids care a few miles away.

Now she's even more upset knowing were going to the DR. She's begging to go to daddys office....or home! POOR girl.

Get to the Dr's and the nurse looks at it and says she cut her gums pretty bad. She said they wouldn't stitch it up (thank goodness!) Lexi barley let me show the nurse. Mean while she has her hand down my shirt and everyone is staring at us!!!

So I get to go home!! Didn't see the DR. didn't have to pay them to tell me she is ok! Get to the car and she just wants me to sit by her. So I do and she still has her hand down my shirt. She finally falls a sleep!!! SIGH!!! What an ordeal!!!

Now I'm home and trying to clean the blood out of our clothes. She's taking a nap....and let me tell ya..thats a good thing!!! She was tired, and so am I!

Anyway's...just had to share my crazy day!!! I guess I'll try going back to Target tonight! Alone!!

Thanks letting me vent!


Edited by StephS (03/13/04 01:54 PM)

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* OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
03/13/04 01:50 PM
* How about a vacation!
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* The drama continues!!
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* Re: The drama continues!!
03/18/04 07:39 AM
* Steph!
03/16/04 02:34 PM
* My pic
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* Took Lexi to the Dr.
03/16/04 07:10 PM
* Bev.... Took Lexi to the Dr.
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* Hope Lexi is better today! -nt-
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* Re: Took Lexi to the Dr.
03/16/04 08:01 PM
* Re: Took Lexi to the Dr.
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* Re: The drama continues!!
03/16/04 09:57 AM
* Re: The drama continues!!
03/16/04 07:32 AM
* Oh my!!!!!!
Snow for Sarala
03/16/04 07:42 AM
* Thanks Gals!!!
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* Yikes!
03/16/04 07:51 AM
* Re: OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
Snow for Sarala
03/15/04 06:39 AM
* Re: OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
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* Re: OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
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* Re: OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
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* Re: OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
03/14/04 11:54 AM
* Re: OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
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* Oy VAY!
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* Re: Oy VAY!
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* Hot Tub!
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* Re: Hot Tub!
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* Hey, btw Steph......
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* Re: Hey, btw Steph......
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* Re: Hey, btw Steph......
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* Re: Oy VAY!
03/13/04 04:12 PM
* PEACHES....I LOVE your new pic! Where was it taken? n-t
Snow for Sarala
03/15/04 06:34 AM
* Love the new pic! -nt-
03/14/04 11:44 AM
* Re: OH what fun .......(not!!) My crazy day!
03/13/04 02:08 PM

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