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      10/29/08 06:01 AM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

I wish I could help you, but I take Zoloft. I can hear what you're saying about sex drive, but I honestly think my sex drive would be suffering regardless. I work 30 hours a week, have a 2 year old and 4 month old, and my husband comes home after 7 every night. I have no energy!
I'm actually in the process of weaning off, I don't think I need it anymore. (I had PPD after my daughter was born, and so I went back on after my son was born as a precaution.)

I hope you find some answers!


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* Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/21/08 06:06 PM
* Hello!
10/29/08 06:01 AM
* Re: Hello!
10/30/08 03:29 AM
* Re: Hello!
Angela E.
10/30/08 05:58 PM
* Re: Hello!
10/29/08 06:55 PM
* Pics of Henry!
10/30/08 09:14 PM
* Re: Pics of Henry!
Angela E.
10/31/08 06:54 PM
* Re: Pics of Henry!
10/31/08 11:09 AM
* Re: Pics of Henry!
10/31/08 05:24 AM
* Re: For Cara Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/28/08 02:44 PM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/28/08 01:35 PM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/30/08 12:13 PM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
Angela E.
10/28/08 06:15 PM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/28/08 02:33 PM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/26/08 12:03 PM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
Angela E.
10/22/08 06:18 PM
* Hey Angela!!!
10/23/08 02:05 PM
* Re: Hey Angela!!!
Angela E.
10/23/08 06:02 PM
* Re: Hey Angela!!!
10/24/08 11:20 AM
* Re: Hey Angela!!!
Angela E.
10/25/08 10:14 AM
* Re: Hey Angela!!!
10/25/08 10:47 AM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
Lisa Marie
10/22/08 03:13 PM
* Thanks Lisa!
10/23/08 02:14 PM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/22/08 09:19 AM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/22/08 11:07 AM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/22/08 05:37 PM
* Re: Looong time! I have a question about Effexor if anyone is taking it!
10/22/08 12:09 PM

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