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Re: I've been doing a lot of thinking.....
      01/28/08 01:58 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

In my opinion, thoughts like these are because IBS is a stigmatized syndrome. Medical professionals will tell you it's made up, you can't discuss it publicly because it's largely about poop, etc. Do people with asthma worry that their personality is causing their asthma? Do people with red hair attribute that to their mom's consumption of shrimp when they were in the womb?

I think my IBS is largely genetic and I've had it my whole life. It's not going away, even though it may sometimes go in remission. I deal with it, and the lovely people in my life deal with it, and its part of who I am. A sucky part, but a part. I would hate for people to start making judgments about the rest of my personality based on my IBS.

I can understand the wish to find a cause and a cure for one's IBS, but I personally think it's less helpful than figuring out how to deal the best I can with it.

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* Re: I've been doing a lot of thinking.....
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* Re: I've been doing a lot of thinking.....
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* Re: I've been doing a lot of thinking.....
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* Re: I've been doing a lot of thinking.....
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