For those still interested (if there are any), I thought I'd give a quick update. The OHSS has finally cleared. Boy was that a pain. But at least I got to be home for 2 weeks AF has come and gone. And now I'm on to my transfer cycle. I'm taking a not so fun estrogen pill (Estrace) to build up my lining. I have an u/s on Aug. 4 to check things. And transfer will probably be Aug. 7. We have 15 frozen embryos. So we have a lot to work with. We'll put 2 back this time. Hopefully they'll survive the thaw ok and one of them will stick. We'd be just as happy if both stuck, but ideally we'd like just one My pg test will probably be around Aug. 14. Less than 3 weeks until I find out if I'm pg! Kind of crazy to think about when I know there is nothing going on right now and we don't have to "try." We've already done the hard stuff. Now we just do some major praying that one of the embies hangs on. I'll update more when it's time for transfer.
-------------------- ~Mary
Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.