I've made it through 3 days of stims so far. The first night DH did both shots for me. The last 2 nights I did one of them and he did the other. No major side effects so far. I hope they're working!! I have my next u/s and b/w on Wed. Hopefully the Dr. will see lots of little follicles.
On the job front, I have my 2nd meeting with a career counselor today. And I have a job interview on Wed.!! This job search is finally getting going. Hopefully I can find something soon. I'm really sick of my current job.
Maybe things will all be changing at once for me...new job and pregnancy! That would be great! I'll keep you posted.
-------------------- ~Mary
Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.