I was going to wait another month before announcing but I have so many IBS pregnancy questions. Sooooooo.....
My BF and I are going to have a baby in September.
It was definitely a surprise, but we're excited now and my first appointment is next week so hopefully we'll find out the official due date then.
My IBS came back with full force (after being in remission for 8-9 months) the minute I found out and I ended up having a nasty attack. Ever since then, I've noticed that my BMs are regular, even though I am bloated and have a ton of gas all the time. Has anyone else had that occur to them?
Also, what are some good ways to calm all this gas? It doesn't seem to matter what I eat and the rolaids I've been taking haven't been helping at all. I know I probably won't be able to get rid of the bloating.
Thanks for the advice! I am one nervous mommy already.
Oh, and I'm only posting this news on these boards so anyone who is on my MySpace friends list, please no comments over there yet. Jason and I haven't told everyone yet. Thanks!