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A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
      04/09/06 01:37 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

A is for age: 30

B is for Booze of choice: Beer, Caesars, Bailey's or Smirnoff Ice

C is for career: Special Ed teacher....ok, substitute teacher

D is for your dog's name: No dog.Too sneezy.

E is for essential items you use everyday: Email, a ponytail holder, and my debit card, LOL!

F is for favorite song at the moment: Your Body is a Wonderland by John Mayer. Ok, anything by John Mayer.

G is for favorite games: Taboo, cards with Trev's family, Trivial
pursuit or Pictionary with my fam.

H is for hometown: Well, Fort St. Edmon-Sher-wood-John-Park-ton.:) I've been everywhere, man!

I is for instruments you play: Violin..thank you, thank you.

J is for jam or jelly you like: Stwawbewwy.

K is for Kids: Kayleigh Louisa

L is for last kiss: about an hour ago from kayleigh

M is for most admired trait: Tenacity, kindness.honesty. Oh I could go on and on.

N is for the name of your crush: LOL Terry Sharp as a kid, Trevor Webb still now!!

O is for overnight hospital stays: Oh, I think I'm at about 55-60 right about now. mostly pneumonia, asthma...but lately, mostly for tummy related stuff. Oh, and babies.

P is for phobias: Being abandoned. Never amounting to anything, never getting a real lifelong teaching job.

Q is for quotes you like: If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always had(me too, Micki) Also, live like a duck-calm and cool on the surface but paddling like the dickens underneath.

R is for biggest regret: Not taking university as seriously as I should have. Oh, and not caring about myself in college.

S is for sweets of your choice: Chocolate chip cookies MMMMMMMMMMM

T is for the time you wake up: Um, it changed
depending where I work that day. Tomorrow, 6 AM. barf.

U is for underwear: strtchy and comfy and smallish.

V is for vegetable you love: raw carrots, asparagus cooked, broccoli either way, peas either way, actually, I like almost all veggies. butternut squash are a biiig fave....

W is for worst habit: oh, beating myself up for things out of my control.

X is for x-rays you've had: about a thousdand on my lungs, and several on sprained ankles, wrists, my GI tract, ultrasounds during and well after pregnancy. yeah, I'm a medical guinea pig.

Y is for yummy food you make: HAAAAAAAAA!!!!! that's so funny.nothing.

Z is for zodiac sign: Aquisces.I'm a cusp baby. Quirky brainy Aquarius and spacey, lovey dovey,conflicted
Pisces. it's so me it's scary. It makes more sense than it should, doesn't it? I'm a genius who walks into walls.

Keep on keepin' on...

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* A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/09/06 01:37 PM
* Okay, now my turn... better late than never
04/18/06 10:33 PM
* Bit Late...
Sailing Away
04/15/06 05:36 PM
* Re: Bit Late...
04/15/06 06:04 PM
* Moscato
Sailing Away
04/18/06 07:16 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
Yoda (formerly Hans)
04/15/06 01:31 PM
* I'm late on this but I'll have my fun anyway! ...
04/15/06 10:32 AM
* how did i not see this until now?!

04/15/06 06:43 AM
* Hey brittany........
04/15/06 12:12 PM
* Natalie!

04/15/06 03:51 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/14/06 08:02 AM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/15/06 05:46 AM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 09:23 PM
* EvilCats
04/11/06 09:46 PM
* Re: EvilCats
04/12/06 08:16 PM
* Put it on your to-do list:) NM
04/13/06 04:29 PM
* Avidan- LOL!
04/12/06 04:25 AM
* Re: Avidan- LOL!
04/12/06 06:20 AM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 07:14 PM
* Avi you reminded me of a fave quote....sorta rude, warned.
04/11/06 09:10 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 07:06 PM
* Oh-I know another one of my big reminded me.
04/11/06 09:05 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 04:18 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 04:08 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 03:48 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 02:29 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
Snow for Sarala
04/11/06 12:14 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 12:00 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 11:31 AM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/11/06 09:54 AM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/10/06 05:17 AM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
Dr. Spice Yamin
04/09/06 07:39 PM
* It's a dream of mine to play cello.
04/09/06 10:14 PM
* Re: It's a dream of mine to play cello.
Dr. Spice Yamin
04/10/06 04:29 AM
* Re: Lynx's Survey-thingie!
04/09/06 07:30 PM
* Oooh, my favorite subject! LOL
atomic rose
04/09/06 06:59 PM
* LOL Casey, you're not alone....guess I'm not either
04/09/06 10:10 PM
* LOL! Exactly!
atomic rose
04/10/06 03:19 AM
* Ha ha, more like When I gow up I want to be her.
04/10/06 06:25 PM
* Are you kidding?
atomic rose
04/10/06 06:52 PM
* belly button piercing
04/11/06 11:50 AM
* LOL, done done and done!
04/11/06 05:47 PM
* Re: belly button piercing
Dr. Spice Yamin
04/11/06 02:12 PM
* Re: belly button piercing
04/11/06 03:58 PM
* oh why not - Im' waiting on a banana bread to finish baking
04/09/06 06:29 PM
* Re: oh why not - Im' waiting on a banana bread to finish baking
04/11/06 05:46 AM
* Rachel!! Your fave song is MY new fave!
04/11/06 05:51 PM
* I think you are hearing the Newsboys version then...
04/11/06 06:24 PM
* ya ya ya, that makes sense!! Yes I want to see them!!! OMGosh!
04/11/06 09:00 PM
* NEWBOYS are my favorite band, if you can ever seem them live, DO IT!!! nt
04/11/06 06:50 PM
* Don't they sing lifesong too? Another one I'm hooked on.
04/11/06 09:03 PM
* I'll have to watch for them!~nt~
04/11/06 07:09 PM
* Re: oh why not - Im' waiting on a banana bread to finish baking
04/09/06 10:06 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/09/06 06:06 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/09/06 04:41 PM
* Another Ottawan!
04/11/06 03:27 PM
* Re: Another Ottawan!
04/12/06 02:32 PM
* Re: Another Ottawan!
04/13/06 04:01 AM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/09/06 03:53 PM
* Why Blah...
04/13/06 06:38 PM
* Re: Why Blah...
04/13/06 10:44 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/09/06 03:41 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/09/06 03:17 PM
* Re: A fun survey for all of you! Make me smile!
04/09/06 06:22 PM

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