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I know you all will understand....edited
      01/02/06 09:56 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I have nothing left to eat. (Ok, that's an exxageration...but that's how it FEELS!)

No dairy (bad for IBS and sinus probs)

No fruit (bad for IC)

No cruciferous veggies (IBS)

No store bought bread (HFCS is bad for IBS and ascorbic acid is bad for IC)

I can eat no vinegar, (this means no mustard and no mayo), I can have no caffeine (no more migriane help...and caffeine actually gave me a loose stool--which is a nice change when you can't have a BM day after day), the only spices I CAN eat are basil, garlic, and oregano.

I'm allergic to tomatoes AND they are bad for the IC.

No more avocados. No more bananas. No soy either. no brown rice or whole grains. No white rice (allergic...can you believe the stuff gives me welts?? But I'm not having probs with gluten it's not the gluten. My body changes SO much I can't keep up!!) for what I CAN eat!
I CAN eat meat, fish (not smoked thank you), plain white bread, lettuce, the OCCASIONAL pear or apple, sugar (bad for the hypoglycemia and immune system so I usually stay away), and a few veggies (like corn is ok and lettuce and and maybe one or two others), and eggs (though I'm not sure yet).

I am just feeling sorry for myself and need some hugs. I went to the store and bought all these foods cause my IC was in remission and it came back.

It's just so frustrating. here's my plan:

Eat leftover flanken soup w/out the flanken. Make baked garlic chicken one night this week. Another night I'll have baked oregano chicken. Another night I'll have a sweet potato for dinner with some fish.

Lunches will be hard. I suppose I could just eat the same thing for lunch and then again for dinner?

Breakfast will be french bread every morning, all the time

I'm concerned that I will have probs with gluten soon though if I eat it too much! I guess I can get myself re-adjusted to things and then try to eat less wheat all the time?

I just hate that my body is so warped and that I am constantly re-adjusting my menu to fit it. And that I buy stuff and have to throw it away.

I know many of you are SO much worse off than please forgive me for complaining. I'm hurting right now...and it makes me very emotional and irrational. Thanks for letting me post to try to figure it all out. You all rock!!

If you have any suggestions...or even just some extra love to give...please sned it my way! I'll get through this...but I need the help and support and LOVE from my IBS fam. I know you guys and gals understand pain (can you imagine though having pain not only in your gut but your abdomen, fibro muscle stiffness, AND your ahem....!) Sometimes it's just too much to cry alone....I need hugs!)

I hope everyone here feels GOOD and is healthy as can be!!! *hugs*

I love you all, thank you SO MUCH for reading,


Edited: After giving this some more thought, this could be a very good thing for me! It will cut out the fruit (sugar) and it will make me take inventory of every bite I take. It will help me appreciate life more and the times that are pain-free more. This will help me live a healthier life...just like the IBS diet has!

This will be for the good. It's just up to me to make it this way.

Thanks for teaching me soo much through all your posts and love everyone *hugs*

Umm...don't forget the hugs, ok

Formerly known as Ruchie

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* I know you all will understand....edited
Snow for Sarala
01/02/06 09:56 PM
* good luck ruchie! feel better!!! -nt-
Dr. Spice Yamin
01/05/06 10:49 AM
* Thanks, Ashley *hugs* n-t
Snow for Sarala
01/06/06 10:39 AM
* You have my support...
01/05/06 10:19 AM
* I can't lie down
Snow for Sarala
01/05/06 10:47 AM
* Ruchie
01/04/06 08:16 PM
* Update ...more hugs please!
Snow for Sarala
01/05/06 08:08 AM
* Sorry I missed this!! Praying for you Ruchie!!! Many hugs!! -nt-
01/05/06 10:51 AM
* Thank you Bama! *hugs* It means a lot... n-t
Snow for Sarala
01/06/06 10:43 AM
* Ruchie..
01/05/06 10:00 AM
* Re: Update ...more hugs please!
01/05/06 09:13 AM
* Positive Thoughts
01/05/06 09:10 AM
* Re: Positive Thoughts
Snow for Sarala
01/05/06 09:42 AM
* Gentle hugs, Ruchie
01/05/06 08:19 AM
* Re: Gentle hugs, Ruchie
Snow for Sarala
01/05/06 09:44 AM
* Re: Ruchie
01/05/06 07:24 AM
* Re: Ruchie
Snow for Sarala
01/05/06 09:49 AM
* Re: Dignity! That's the word...
01/05/06 09:27 AM
* Re: Dignity! That's the word...
Snow for Sarala
01/05/06 09:34 AM
* I hate to hear of your suffering
01/05/06 07:40 PM
* Re: Lots more love and hugs!
01/05/06 09:03 AM
* More hugs, Ruchie!
01/04/06 11:51 AM
* Re: {HUGS}...
01/04/06 07:54 AM
* Re: {HUGS}...
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 11:05 AM
* Re: Hugs!
01/03/06 04:12 PM
* Re: Hugs!
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 07:30 AM
* I totally understand!
01/03/06 01:22 PM
* Re: I totally understand!
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 07:32 AM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
01/03/06 01:21 PM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 07:37 AM
* Good point, kree...and remember,
01/03/06 01:40 PM
* Oh, *****HUGS*****
01/03/06 12:55 PM
* Re: Oh, *****HUGS*****
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 07:44 AM
* Verbal D.
01/05/06 01:56 PM
* Shannon! Is your daughter ok??
Snow for Sarala
01/06/06 10:34 AM
* hey Ruchie!
01/06/06 07:35 PM
* Re: Verbal D.
01/05/06 02:21 PM
* Thanks, maria...
01/05/06 06:27 PM
* *HUG* I totally understand..
01/03/06 11:14 AM
* Re: *HUG* I totally understand..
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 07:45 AM
* I do understand
01/03/06 10:35 AM
* Re: I do understand
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 10:34 AM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
01/03/06 10:24 AM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 10:36 AM
* Oh yes, chicken soup....
01/03/06 01:01 PM
* Hey that sounds like my diet!
01/03/06 10:16 AM
* Re: Hey that sounds like my diet!
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 10:40 AM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
01/03/06 08:37 AM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 10:43 AM
* Hey Ruchie!
01/04/06 11:12 AM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
01/03/06 01:08 PM
* I guess there is more understanding among all of us than I realized!
01/04/06 05:33 AM
* Re: I guess there is more understanding among all of us than I realized!
01/05/06 06:33 PM
* Re: I guess there is more understanding among all of us than I realized!
01/06/06 08:46 AM
* Yikes, that's new to me.
01/06/06 07:38 PM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
01/03/06 08:13 AM
* Re: I know you all will understand....edited
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 10:51 AM
* Re: Sorry, hon......I just saw this.
01/06/06 06:19 AM
* *hugs!*
atomic rose
01/03/06 07:01 AM
* Re: *hugs!*
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 10:53 AM
* Re: *hugs!*
01/03/06 08:03 AM
* Re: *hugs!*
Snow for Sarala
01/04/06 10:57 AM

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