Bill doesn't practice but hasn't converted either.. at home we practice Judaism, but his family is into Christianity and his grandmother when she was alive never tried to be accomodating at all.. his Aunt who hosts his dads side for holidays still isn't... and his stepdad tries.. but caused a big attack for me a few weeks ago.. I'm dreading Tues night.. he promised me a plain chicken breast and a plain baked potato this time... that should work.. but I may pack food in the car just in case he forgets!
I have been open with them- we are lighting a hanukiah Tues night despite my SIL's disagreement- his stepdad is good with that and thats when they are doing the family gift exchange... I am going to bring one and candles and matches with me. On the other hand, I am not taking dreidles at Steves request this year- my nephews are out of control enough he is afraid they will just throw them around!
I've been with Bill for more then 10 years and even before we had a Jewish wedding 5 years ago next month I stood up for myself. My FIL and his side are NOT understanding, but thankfully he spends the winter down south, and doesn't come north, and we just mail gifts to him and get Christmas cards and gifts from him... we won't see him until April. And I try to avoid meals at his house unless I'm cooking (which because he is single I can sometimes get away with). We often meet him at a restaurant I know is safe. It's actually my family thats harder to deal with because mom has Crohns and tries to assume the diet that works for her will work for me and then gripes when I won't eat something because I know it is a trigger for me!
-------------------- Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant