Oh I had the kind of experience we all dread - an ibs-d attack that came on after 1/2 hour in the car, with 3 hours of driving to go to travel home. Also I wasn't driving so I had to have my brother in law pull over at every reststop on the nj turnpike. Oh...I feel so nauseous still, its my worst nightmare. I am growing more emetaphobic by the day. I should have seen it coming, it was a tense trip to my in-laws, it always is. And theyr'e korean, and I can't eat almost anything my MIL cooks. So I always pick at my food self-consciously while my father i.l. watches my plate and comments in korean words to the effect that "why doesn't dan eat anything.?" Then he begins counseling me on how to cure my stomach. He's sort of an armchair herbalist. So I ate a plate of rice, beans, and some tofu which I didn't like, and a couple bites of a fried- with little oil by my wife - pancake with scallions. I really ate so little this weekend, maybe being empty is part of the problem. Ugh! I took bentyl 3 hours ago I think I'm going take another dose a little sooner than 4 hours. Oh the other thing is that they're devout christians to the exclusion of all other religions, and I'm Jewish, so since it was Chanuka and Christmas today, I brought my menorah to their house, but my wife asked me to light it in the bedroom with her and our daughter, with the door closed. I'm not even religious, but i like the rituals, and this was our daughters 1st chanuka/christmas. So I just felt so frustrated having to hide my traditions while my wife's family certainly doesn't hide theirs - they've even tried to pressure me to convert to christianity.... Oh now I'm really ranting, but getting it out is making me feel a bit better. Its often like this, as if my stomach can't handle the amount of emotions I'm feeling. I know I don't post much, but I'm feeling so down and it'd be great to hear from those of you on the boards this evening.. Thanks everyone.
-------------------- Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.
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