Do you ever look at yourself in photos, and have a problem identifying with the impersonation of "you?" Honestly, I look at that woman and have a problem associating "her" with "me."
Sort of, but it's more like, "WHOA, is that what my eyebrows look like???" I think I also have a distorted view of my weight, because when I look down at myself or even in the mirror, I always feel like I'm a little chunky. (I am 5'5" and usually around 115-120 lbs., but more like 110-115 ever since I got sick.) So in photos I am always sort of surprised that I look thin. I'm also always surprised to see that I have a dimple, because I never remember that either. Is that weird? Yeah. Probably.
I don't have my pic up because I'm paranoid people will see it and know who I am. But, at the same time, I am a bit paranoid that the people on the boards will think I must be really ugly not to put my picture up. Not that it matters, I guess.
Um, yeah, okay, so I have weird insecurities. Who doesn't??
Speaking of, you're pretty brave to keep around nude photos. I am not admitting, er, saying that I have ever had any kind of risque photos taken of me, but, like, in theory, if I did, I always get paranoid and destroy them after awhile. Just in case someday I really do become a hugely popular famous author and my husband gets jealous and insecure and we get divorced and then he sells the photos to the National Enquirer. I mean, who can sustain her literary merit once the world knows she wears a padded bra??
-------------------- jen
"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC
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