Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York
Well the fact that I am typing help in capitals really helps illustrate how brave I truly am....:-) I met a new gastro referred to me by my amazing new GP and he LISTENED to my story - he didn't say 'you look great - go out in the world and take your mind off it all' - 'ok you IDIOT, don't you think if I could leave the bloody toilet that I would be out enjoying myself?????'. Anyway - after ten years os IBS - and the last year of being A instead of C following a tummy bug a year ago, he has convinced me to have a upper GI barium series and a colonoscopy. Ok - I am sooooo scared of these, mainly because I am phobic of puking and I am so worried that the prep for the colonoscopy and the barium thing is going to make me sick. I HATE being empty inside, it makes me feel so nauseous eg like after lots of D - the prep sounds like a nightmare (apart from the fact its a really good excuse to drink lots of coke for once, which really helps nausea for me). I have a choice between taking 3X 8 fluid ounces of fleet phospho soda OR 40 tablets with water...he does not need/want me to take that huge gallon thingy, which is a relief in itself. Which one is better? What do I choose? Also, my IBS has been draining me so much and no diet intervention seems to be helping - I am not one to pop pills but am at the end of my tether psychologically - he gave me levsin - how is this drug? I popped one this evening and it made me feel floppy and kind of blurry eyed but my belly seems callllllmmm (don't want to speak to soon but if it is I think I am going to dance around the room with joy!) - I had a long nap. Of course I hope the floppiness isn't a side effect and is just because my IBS had me up part of the night - but in all likelihood it give me your experiences on levsin! He has told me to take it twice a day. Thanks XXXX
-------------------- Feel the fear and do it anyway!