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Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
      12/04/04 08:28 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Well, I am so excited to tell you about a product that I've just used that completely got rid of my bags. I have tried every product marketed for this and none of them helped.

Guess what finally worked? It worked so well that my BF actually told me I didn't have bags this morning!

Preparation H for hemroids!!!

Yep! I will NEVER buy another over-priced eye product that doesn't do squat ever again. I just need to get over the embarassment of buying it.

I applied lots of it and within 5 mins the bags were gone. I used the ointment which is shiny so you should buy the cream kind.

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* Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/04/04 08:28 AM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/05/04 05:15 PM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/06/04 09:18 AM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/06/04 09:52 AM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/06/04 08:17 AM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/05/04 04:26 PM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/06/04 08:18 AM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/05/04 04:32 PM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/06/04 08:19 AM
* Sara-Sage
12/05/04 03:35 PM
* Re: Sara-Sage
12/05/04 03:39 PM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/04/04 09:11 AM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/04/04 09:19 AM
* I love this idea and this tired Mommy does have some bags, will pick some up for sure!
12/04/04 12:50 PM
* Re: I love this idea and this tired Mommy does have some bags, will pick some up for sure!
12/04/04 12:53 PM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
AmandaPanda, J.D.
12/04/04 08:50 AM
* Amanda Panda
12/05/04 03:51 PM
* Re: Amanda Panda
AmandaPanda, J.D.
12/05/04 04:25 PM
* Re: Amanda Panda
12/05/04 04:32 PM
* Re: Amanda Panda
AmandaPanda, J.D.
12/05/04 04:37 PM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/04/04 08:53 AM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
AmandaPanda, J.D.
12/04/04 08:54 AM
* Re: Anyone else have puffy bags under your eyes? Here's what works!!!
12/04/04 09:18 AM

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