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Re: Michele, & update on Chemical Release over my house !!
      08/31/04 10:14 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

I had a long day with the Environmental Team from Connoco-Phillips-Chevron. They are denying there was any release, period. But, I have talked to more people today who are sick, and who have burnt spots in their yards and property. IT is coming from that refinery, and they don't want to admit it. They are suppossed to come in the morning and take soil, and grass samples, just a formality with them. They think I will shut up and be appeased that they acted like they actually care and want to do something. But, they don't know me, and I am not going to shut up. I told them that grass (and listen, it was so thick and lush and green ) and shrubbery can be replaced, but my health and my grandchildrens health cannot! They know I am fighting mad and I am not gonna take it any more !!!!!!!

To answer you question Michele, I have an area about the size of a grapefruit directly over my heart and it just hurts, it feels like something is squeezing my chest. IT hurts when I do things like fold clothes, cook, I tried to sew a little bit today and it hurt so bad I had to quit. I am very upset about this, we also have sever large areas of dead grass in one of our pastures. WE HAVE CATTLE THAT GRAZE OUT THERE, now, what are we suppossed to do with them? Actually, I am beginning to get frightened by it all, very frightened.

I hope tomorrow (wed) is a much better day. Hope you are taking good care of yourself Michele, I know you are honey. And I know you want to have a baby, just don't give up, I am still praying for you.

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* Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
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* Re: Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
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* Re: Barbie, NO
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* Re: Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
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* Re: Terri !
08/31/04 10:20 PM
* Re: Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
08/31/04 07:49 AM
* Re: Michele, & update on Chemical Release over my house !!
08/31/04 10:14 PM
* Re: Michele, & update on Chemical Release over my house !!
09/01/04 08:40 AM
* WOW!
09/01/04 12:29 AM
* Re: 2nd Update on Chemical Release...What would you do?
09/01/04 10:29 PM
* Gayla, is it Costochronditis???
09/02/04 07:01 AM
* Re: Yes it is Costochronditis??? And I DO INTEND on having the grass,mulch and shrubbery replaced!
09/02/04 08:48 PM
* Re: Gayla, is it Costochronditis???
09/02/04 07:53 AM
* Re: I have not even thought of air borne chemicals !!!!
09/02/04 09:06 PM

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