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Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
      08/31/04 06:43 AM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

For over a week I have had chest pain on the left side, it really hurts when I am sitting in my pc chair or at the sewing machine, and sometimes when I am driving.

I live 3 miles north of a Chemical Refinery, last week they had some type of release (of course, they do not warn the public, period). I thought that I may be having side effects from that since some of the grass in front of my house is dead, and I have also lost some shrubbery (turned black and crinkled up). Yesterday I called them and acted like a total b***h, and when they call me today, I will probably continue to behave like one. But, if this pain is coming from impacted gas, how embarrassing. Though I will never tell . I tried some of the yoga poses last night, I started back on the SFS, taking acidophillus, I don't know what else to do. I also have an appointment with my Allergy and Asthma specialist so he can take a look at my lungs and maybe run some blood tests.

What do you think?

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Entire thread
* Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
08/31/04 06:43 AM
* Re: Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
08/31/04 04:32 PM
* Re: Barbie, NO
08/31/04 10:25 PM
* Re: Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
08/31/04 11:06 AM
* Re: Terri !
08/31/04 10:20 PM
* Re: Could impacted gas make my chest hurt? Please read......
08/31/04 07:49 AM
* Re: Michele, & update on Chemical Release over my house !!
08/31/04 10:14 PM
* Re: Michele, & update on Chemical Release over my house !!
09/01/04 08:40 AM
* WOW!
09/01/04 12:29 AM
* Re: 2nd Update on Chemical Release...What would you do?
09/01/04 10:29 PM
* Gayla, is it Costochronditis???
09/02/04 07:01 AM
* Re: Yes it is Costochronditis??? And I DO INTEND on having the grass,mulch and shrubbery replaced!
09/02/04 08:48 PM
* Re: Gayla, is it Costochronditis???
09/02/04 07:53 AM
* Re: I have not even thought of air borne chemicals !!!!
09/02/04 09:06 PM

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