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hi desiree
      09/13/06 10:42 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

ive been a vegan about 2 years (in dec). for a while i was quite concerned that i hadnt gotten better-ibs wise, since eating a vegan diet has gotten such beneficial raves. for me, i always end up eating really starchy/carby or bready foods that unfortunately constipate me more (im a C). i do however, have a cholesterol free diet that is naturally low in fat. if i have ibs attacks at all, it's usually from a bad habit ie:coffee.

if you are considering going vegan, definately read up on as much as you can. it is crucial that you find alternatives for all the vitamins and such that you would cut out. it's also important that you find alternatives that leave you pain free. do things slowly, so you wont shock your system, and then cheat once you've started.

a great place to shop for products is at whole foods, even though it is a bit expensive. for instance, if you want to experiment with cutting out meat, try some of the meat free products from W.F. and continue to buy your regular groceries. then if those products work well, try removing dairy and adding soy. soy is tricky b/c it can cause gas. i find that i do the best when i drink rice milk. the vanilla rice dream is the best by far. it doesnt taste half as bad as it might sound like. it's good for cereals.

check out this website for awesome recipes:
veg web

hope that helps you some! depending on your ibs type, im not sure what further to recommend. have fun recipe-surfing!! there are some tasty treats if you have anymore Q's, post to me or if you have myspace, you can send me a message:


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* Vegan and IBS
09/13/06 04:51 AM
* hi desiree
little bear
09/13/06 10:42 PM
* Re: Vegan and IBS
09/13/06 04:19 PM

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