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question about arms..
      06/22/05 09:37 AM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

ok so.. I have a question, but I'm not sure if anyone will know the answer..

I listened to all the advice out there about how if girls lift weights they won't get big arms and thats its just not possible, but it was possible for me.

I was only using weights at a muscle conditioning class for women 2x a week for one hour at most (5pounds was the heaviest). well I noticed my arms were getting bigger and that all my button downs etc dont' even fit on the arms anymore and was getting really discouraged. I didn't say anything.. but the next time my sister saw me after that (we only see each other once a month about) she was shocked over the size of my arms, and my dad told my mom to tell me to stop working out as much.. then my mom told me I must have her genes which means working out gives you big arms and shoulders. (and my family are very far from judgemental and would never say anything to me if they weren't genuinely concerned.

well I hate it. I stopped lifting weights a month ago and they've gone down a little bit but what are some other ways to get your arms smaller. Hard question I know.. but I'm wondering if anyone's personal trainers have given them tips because basically I look like a beast and I hate it. I mean being muscular is fine.. but not so much so that you look fatter than you did before you even starting working out, and none of your clothes fit in the arms anymore.



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* question about arms..
Dr. Spice Yamin
06/22/05 09:37 AM
* I have the same thing...
06/23/05 08:19 AM
* Yeah...
06/23/05 02:08 PM
* Re: Yeah...
06/23/05 02:13 PM
* exercise balls
Little Minnie
06/23/05 04:26 PM
* ooh!!
06/23/05 04:53 PM
* how do you do it.. and what exercises do you do?!?! -nt-
Dr. Spice Yamin
06/23/05 04:33 PM
* ball exercises
Little Minnie
06/23/05 05:15 PM
* Re: question about arms..
Little Minnie
06/22/05 05:15 PM
* Re: question about arms..
06/22/05 10:14 AM
* Re: question about arms..
06/22/05 05:49 PM
* Seconding Christianne!
06/22/05 11:25 AM
* Re: Seconding Christianne!
Dr. Spice Yamin
06/22/05 12:39 PM
* Re: Seconding Christianne!
06/22/05 09:41 PM
* Re: Seconding Christianne!
Dr. Spice Yamin
06/23/05 05:23 AM
* Ooo, I so sympathize!
06/23/05 05:35 AM
* Re: Ooo, I so sympathize!
Dr. Spice Yamin
06/23/05 10:19 AM
* Well why not skip the weights altogether?
06/23/05 01:48 PM
* I was thinking the same thing...
06/26/05 06:56 PM
* thanks guys.. i'll try it out!! -nt-
Dr. Spice Yamin
06/26/05 08:15 PM
* Cardio for weight loss...
06/27/05 10:44 PM
* Re: Cardio for weight loss...
06/28/05 02:30 PM
* Re: Cardio for weight loss...
Dr. Spice Yamin
06/28/05 05:01 PM
* Re: Cardio for weight loss...
06/28/05 05:40 PM
* Re: Cardio for weight loss...
Dr. Spice Yamin
06/28/05 05:33 AM

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