Hiya, Just want to let you know, I went through the same thing. Started going to the Dr. for IBS symptoms, got a lapro done in December, and was diagnosed with endo. The symptoms can be exactly the same. Cramping in the lower abdomen (mostly I have it on my right abdominal ligiment, where most of my endo is), constipation or diarrhea, painful periods,painful intercourse, headaches, fatigue, the whole 9... I didn't have any on the bowel, but, the lapros aren't that thorough sometimes. If the endometriosis is clear or light colored or even microscopic, it can be easilly missed by the Dr. Also, legions around the bowel can cause IBS symptoms. Sometimes the endometriosis just presses against the intestines or other digestive organs and puts pressure on the organs. Be very wary of taking painkillers to ease the pain of endo. It can hurt more than help in the long run, it affects your kidney and liver functioning after a while as well as hurt your digestive system. Be sure to check out " The Endometriosis Sourcebook" it's edited by Mary Lou Ballweg. It is a must have and has sections dedicated to IBS and Endometriosis. It also has many useful tips on pain management and taking care of yourself emotionally when going through the trials of endo and IBS. Endo is no fun, and having endo and IBS is even less fun. It is good to know that you aren't alone, and that there are other women that know how you feel. I hope this has been of some help
Take care, Katy
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