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Re: Sweets (Like Bev)
      03/21/04 04:24 AM

Reged: 03/13/04
Posts: 57
Loc: Peabody, MA

Hi Jen,
I am farily new to this IBS diet. I was so called diagnosed with IBS about 2 weeks ago. I say so called because my doctor pretty much said, well your tests came back fine, no signs of cancer or polops, or crones, so it sounds like you have IBS. Of course he didn't say that is what I had until I demanded that something was wrong. I told him that it isn't normal for a person to have severe pains and bloating and gas after every meal. That is when he said well I think you have IBS...nice doctor huh. (I am in the process of trying to find another doctor)..Ok now to my question...sorry kind of got off the topic Now that i am trying to follow this new IBS diet my biggest concern is weight gain. I LOVE fruits and veggies and was eating them all day long as snacks. This I found was one of the reasons for my attacks. So what do I do now? In the past I followed Weight Watchers and lost about 15 pounds and have kept it off....however now, how do I follow it? Since I use to eat all the fruits and veggies and low fat wheat bread I don't know where to begin. I am finding that I am getting very depressed and discouraged about all this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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* Re: Sweets (Like Bev)
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* Christine
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* Re: Christine
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* Re: Christine
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* Re: Christine
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* Re: Christine
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