Heather F
03/15/04 11:26 AM
Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA
Wow. I feel for your daughter. She's had a rough time of it, so far, and to have to mess with diets and so forth is a bother she probably doesn't want to add to the mix.
Unfortunately, she'll need to address it at some point if she wants to see improvement.
Naturally, it doesn't help when medicine fails. Eat eggs. PLEASE! I always say "listen to your body." If it tells you something is "wrong," then it usually is! And she was right, wasn't she?!
Advice.... Words of wisdom....
Would she talk to just one of us, instead of checking out the whole board? She could always write to me... I'm not wise, but I have experience with C! (I'm IBS-A) I can at least talk to her about trying the tea or cutting out one or two triggers as a test...
You're on the diet? Has it given you any relief? 'Cause leading by example is always a way to go... Of course, since you have D and she has C, she may remain unconvinced, but it may catch her attention enough to broach the subject again...
I'm going to keep mulling this over. I feel badly for her 'cause I know what it's like to be sick and frustrated and fed-up enough to want to ignore the whole shebang!
Keep me posted...
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