Ruchie, Yes, my IBS is so much better. I can't hardly believe it!! I've been following the advice here, and it's changed how I take care of myself and how I view this chronic condition. (I don't worry as much about every little changing detail of this condition, and I'm trying not to think about it all the time!) Thanks for asking!
I've been wondering how you're doing with your sinus infection and bronchitis. Right now, my daughter and I are the same as we were with our sinus and throat problems. (But, no lung involvement! We call each other everyday to see how one another is doing and it's always the same thing, "sore, stuffy throat, stuffy nose and yukky drainage." Plus, she's ALWAYS tired! We both recently finished antibiotics and neither one of us wants to go back to the dr. for this again. So, we're just waiting to see what's going to happen. You know how that is, don't you? You hope and hope that it will clear, and then gradually, everything just gets worse. AGAIN!!! We're just trying saline sprays, decongestants, antihistimines, and pain relievers.
Are you feeling better? I sure hope so! I'm really very interested in how you're doing; especially since your story sounds so familiar. Do you have allergies, too? I'm allergic to citrus and I haven't been tested for anything else. I also have asthma, but it's mild. My daughter is still plagued with constant ear infections, too. Do you ever have that? I guess I'm talking way too much here, but you're about the same age as my daughter, and my maternal instincts want to fix things up and make you all better! I know one thing, though, no matter how hard this gets, we can't give up; and frankly, it helps me to know that you're out there somewhere and you know just how this crud feels! You're not alone, either, Ruchie; I've thought about you and how you must be feeling! Please keep me posted on how you're doing, okay? I'm anxiously waiting to hear that you're much better. BTW, Have you had any changes in your ibs symptoms since the bronchitis? When I had pneumonia, my symptoms were way out of control, so I just wondered.
(p.s. so, as if planning our lives around our intestines wasn't bad enough, we have to hope we'll be able to breathe and swallow, too?? haha)
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