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      09/08/11 08:41 PM

Reged: 08/31/11
Posts: 18

I'm trying to break the cycle of chronic constipation. I've already eliminated all fat out of my diet except for a small slice of avocado with lunch and dinner. I've been eating oatmeal, cut down on fresh fruits and veggies, and also eating things like yams, potatoes, rice cereal, sourdough bread, and small bits of mashed lentils and beans. I have also been eating chicken, egg whites and tofu (not all at once) for protein during meals. I drink fennel, peppermint and 1 cup of black tea in the morning. Can anyone please tell me should I avoid eating the protein and avocado until my body can have regular BMs? I exercise regularly and am a busy person so the protein and small amount of fat help me stay full, but my body still isn't having regular BMs and I'm getting frustrated. Any advice would be appreciated...I feel like I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be and not having results. Oh and I also take Acacia supplement.

IBS-C & bloating, dairy free

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* Frustrated
09/08/11 08:41 PM
* Re: Frustrated
09/10/11 06:49 AM
* Re: Frustrated
09/10/11 08:55 AM
* Re: Frustrated
09/10/11 09:35 AM
* Re: Frustrated
09/09/11 10:52 AM
* Re: Frustrated
09/09/11 12:39 PM
* Re: Frustrated
09/09/11 01:29 PM
* Re: Frustrated
09/09/11 01:58 PM

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