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Is this really IBS or something else
      03/25/09 09:38 AM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

I have been diagnosed with IBS-D or at least the doctor says it sounds like thats what I have.The only question I have is, is it really ibs or something else. The only symptom that I have is urgency and alot of bathroom trips. I don't have any pain anywhere at all. My days are fine except the # of urgent bathroom trips I have. Nothing seems to be helping me except for immodium. I could take one a day and it would help me get through without the urgency. I am just reluctant because I am afraid my body will get use to it and it won't be so effective when I am really needing it. I did not have this issue until 2.5 yrs ago after I gave birth to my son then when he was 3months old just one day out of the blue it started which I thought I was getting the flu but it never went away. The only meds I was taking at the time was bith control pills which I quickly quit taking just incase they were the cause but my urgency never went away. About 4 months ago I quit my job because it just got to stressful worrying and dealing with this issue. I have had a colonoscopy done which showed diverticulosis which the doctor said was caused because of my bathroom trips and other than that was never addressed. I have had 2 stool samples, blood work, x-rays, ultra sounds, a CT scan with iodine and I think thats about it.They all came back normal. I just for some reason think it might be something other than ibs. I read on here and understand everyone is different and after reading everyones symptoms I am very grateful this is my only issue but at the same time is very life changing not to be able to go anywhere without knowing where the nearest bathroom is or not being able to go anywhere at all. The only other issue I do have is painful sex which only started when my bathroom issues started. I have an appt with my gyno for some hormone levels to be checked but I just wanted to get some suggestions on what maybe I should be tested for next or if anyone has this exact problem what is it that you have found out. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I just feel like I am not getting anywhere and that this issue shouldn't be that hard to clear up it is my only symptom. I dont understand and am getting very frustrated.

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* Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 09:38 AM
* Re: Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 10:18 AM
* Re: Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 10:15 AM
* Re: Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 11:43 AM
* Re: Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 10:08 AM
* Re: Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 11:40 AM
* Re: Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 11:49 AM
* Re: Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 12:58 PM
* Re: Is this really IBS or something else
03/25/09 11:47 AM

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