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I don't get it?
      12/05/08 03:09 PM

Reged: 10/14/08
Posts: 19

For the last 2+ months I have been pretty stable with my IBS symptoms. Over this last week I feel like I have been drug unexpectantly back to square one and cannot understand why. Is this normal? If you all can bare with me I would like to share a rough guide to my diet which I eat everyday. Acacia Fiber twice daily everyday; Breakfast: rice chex/oatmeal square with Silk soymilk; Snacks: Heather's Honey Chex Crunch, Luna bar, or applesauce (no sugar), Heather's pumpkin spice or banana bread; Lunch: Peanut butter and jelly (seedless) on sourdough with baked tostito chips and a banana; Dinner: usually one of Heather's chicken recipes from the IBS cook book, or chicken noodle soup. That's it. Are these relapses common? As IBS sufferer's you know we already exclude soo much. Any thoughts? The only other thing I can think of is that I have had a slight cold for 2 weeks and took Sudafed for my symptoms. But it's been about a week since I actually took any Sudafed. Any thoughts would be gratetful.
IBS-D with gas

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* I don't get it?
12/05/08 03:09 PM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/08/08 03:00 PM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/07/08 10:47 AM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/07/08 04:27 PM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/06/08 06:40 AM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/07/08 07:34 PM
* Re:GaGa/I don't get it?
12/08/08 06:31 AM
* Re:GaGa/I don't get it?
12/08/08 07:04 PM

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