Hey everyone, just wanted to share some info about me. I have had IBS for about 5 years now, and it's been worse than anyone I've ever met that claims to have IBS. Most IBS claimers seem to have constipation issues; I would trade anyone with constipation issues hands-down over my diarrhea issues. That being said, I have diarrhea daily, I'm on the toilet close to 10 times each day, and I've made a nice little abode there.
I began trying several different anti-anxiety meds, all of which made problems worse and caused some severe depression. It got better a few years ago when I started a particular anti-anxiety, but I realized a few months ago it was causing anger issues, so I ditched that and the worse of the problems came back.
Fast forward to about 2 weeks ago, when I first tried beer. I'm 24 years old, and my parents are religiously against alcohol; thus, I never drank. However, I tried some beer after feeling horrible due to my debilitating diarrhea for over 4 weeks straight (after my mother passed away). I almost instantly felt better, and I've had a beer at each meal since and I've felt incredible! I don't know what it is, but I'll take it!
Just thought I'd share
If anyone has any light they can shed as to the reason behind this, I'd love to know so I can share with my family why I now drink beer
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