Hi everyone,
I haven't been around in ages, but thought of this board and the people here when I learned of something about my symptoms.
I was diagnosed with IBS-C in 2004, with bloating and abdominal pain being my most common symptoms. However, I have at least one BM a day. Mostly it's the bloating/pain that kill me.
Had two kids, both with painful, tummy-related pregnancies. BUT, upon birth of each child, my symptoms went away immediately. Then they came back eight months after the birth of each kid. My daughter (youngest is 16 months old).
I'm starting to have major issues again, along with panic/anxiety related to my kids getting hurt (imagined and real) and my job and all the issues with me wanting to be a SAHM. I'm also a compulsive/over eater, but maintain a weight at the top end of the normal range.
So, I went to see a kineseologist and she tested me as sensitive to wheat. I've been wheat-free since I woke up this morning and feel better at 1:30 (after lunch) than I usually do.
Does anyone have experience with this? What's the difference between wheat intolerance and celiac? I'm off to do some Googling, but would appreciate any feedback you have.
-------------------- ~jules
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