After over 20 years of IBS and trying everything. Even everything from this site and not getting relief, I read a post from a great person named Mary on this site. She sounded like me and my symptoms. I took her advice and followed through and have found out that I have a pelvic hernia and a prolapsed rectum. I have found out from the surgeon, that there are so many women with severe constipation and chronic straining that are unaware that they have a pelvic hernia that is causing all these symptoms. Gastro's and general physicians are not adapt at recognizing this very common misdiagnosed condition. If you have had one or more children, vaginal deliveries with epesiotomy(sorry about spelling) and have severe constipation and bloating, and it is not helped with laxatives or medication, or diet, a simple trip to a surgeon -not a gastrointerologist can set you on your way. I am not saying all people with constipation have this condition, but after reading the book my surgeon gave me which he wrote, I have found that there are numerous women who are told it is stress or in there head but in reality, it all stems from the pelvic hernia. I hope this might help someone, like Mary's post helped me. I will be havinge surgery soon and I hope it will end my many years of misery. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy for all that are helped from this diet and fiber etc. But no diet or fiber would ever or will ever help anyone if they have this. (many people are diagnosed with IBS when they truly have this condition). Also, if I hadn't come to this site, I never would have known what to do to get to my correct diagnosis. No hypnosis, diet, fiber etc. will pick up your rectum off your pelvic floor. If the diet is failing you, don't blame yourself like I did. Move on and try something else.
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