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Need C help, fast!! (Question about Aloe Vera Juice)
      12/03/03 05:18 PM

Reged: 11/23/03
Posts: 69
Loc: Iowa

I am taking Zelnorm (I basically think it's worthless), acidophilus (100 mg capsules), and drinking peppermint/fennel tea (a combo I found ). I also have been eating soy yogurt, oatmeal, safe cereal with soymilk, and pretzels. I am bloated and have gas, and cannot for the life of me have a BM... it's all stuck inside me and wants to come out, but can't I have been exercising regularly.

Here's the problem, I have a sorority formal (like prom) this Friday, and I don't want to try to wear my dress when I am bloated, gassy, and feel like pooh (wishing I could take one... lol).

I've read past posts, and someone had mentioned Aloe Vera juice. I found it in the health store nearby (open 24 hours ); it was a large amount, and $expensive$. But, if someone has used it (carefully) and it really WORKS! (in other words, I'll most likely have a BM) I'm going to go pick it up. I know our bodies are all different, but I am desperate If anyone else has any ideas for C, let me know!!!

Thanks everyone, you've been wonderful!!!!!

"If the sun isn't shining on your path... maybe you're not on the right one" --Me

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Entire thread
* Need C help, fast!! (Question about Aloe Vera Juice)
12/03/03 05:18 PM
* Re: Need C help, fast!! (Question about Aloe Vera Juice)
12/03/03 05:43 PM
* Some suggestions...
12/03/03 05:41 PM
* Thanks!!
12/03/03 07:11 PM
* Re: Thanks!!
12/04/03 06:24 AM

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