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Do you still avoid some places
      03/01/06 08:51 AM

Reged: 05/16/05
Posts: 508
Loc: N. FL

I was just reading the post about commuting and bathrooms. It made me think about the places I still avoid because there are no restrooms. I stopped using a certain bank because they refused to let me use the restroom, our postoffice has no restroom for the public, and the Malls are still not anywhere I want to go. Last year we traveled up North and Maryland (where I grew up) seemed to be the worst for not allowing public use of bathrooms. That was pre-Heather so it was a really miserable trip for me since we were in MD for a week. Even the McD's had locked ones that you had to stand in line and ask for a key.....AWFUL.....agoraphobia took over my life before Heather's site. My life has improved so much since I began Heather's diet and the CD's but there are still a few places that I avoid. How about you guys, any avoidance issues still going on?


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* Do you still avoid some places
03/01/06 08:51 AM
* Re: Do you still avoid some places
03/04/06 02:37 PM
* Re: Do you still avoid some places
03/05/06 08:13 AM
* Re: Do you still avoid some places
03/05/06 08:20 AM
* I do
03/04/06 08:59 AM
* Why malls?
03/01/06 11:00 AM
* Re: Why malls?
03/02/06 09:39 PM
* Re: Do you still avoid some places
03/01/06 09:46 AM
* Good Point Lyndsey
03/01/06 11:00 AM
* Yes -- And No
03/01/06 09:22 AM
* Re: Yes -- And No
03/05/06 08:08 PM

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