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I'm so upset this morning
      06/28/05 10:06 AM

Reged: 06/26/05
Posts: 4

Hi All, I am new here...don't even know if I have IBS...but have had Diarrhea for the past 7-8 weeks. I haven't had a fever or a lot of pain..specialist just said to try taking Imodium daily. It isn't working. I called back today to go in tomorrow. I feel like they don't care what I am going through and I am crying as I type this. I am so drained, losing weight and getting so depressed because I don't feel well. It is like I just want someone to hold my hand and tell me that it is going to be okay and they understand what I am going through. I am going to push for a Colonoscopy tomorrow. I need to know what is wrong. My husband has been supportive but doesn't truly understand how draining physically and emotionally this is on me. I keep hoping tomorrow will be better and it isn't. I start the whole thing over after day. I have a 3 and 4 year old and barely have the energy to care for them. I printed out the IBS diet and am trying to follow it...even if it isn't what I have...I thought it might help to eat some foods that will digest easily. Anyway, thanks for listening. Sorry to be such a downer. I just don't have anyone really to share how much this is upsetting me.

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* I'm so upset this morning
06/28/05 10:06 AM
* Re: I'm so upset this morning
06/28/05 04:00 PM
* Re: I'm so upset this morning
06/28/05 05:14 PM
* Re: I'm so upset this morning
Patricia Buzo
06/30/05 12:28 PM
* Re: I'm so upset this morning
06/28/05 11:44 AM
* Re: I'm so upset this morning
Patricia Buzo
06/28/05 02:43 PM
* Re: I'm so upset this morning
Alyson McG
06/28/05 10:28 AM
* Re: I'm so upset this morning
06/28/05 10:16 AM
* Re: I'm so upset this morning
06/28/05 10:58 AM

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