I've been having constipation since the beginning of July. It began as soon as I started taking birth control pills (Alesse 28 - very low dosage of hormones). However, before starting them I was struggling with hemrorrids and straining during bowel movements. I've also had constipation problems as a baby and young child (I'm 17 now).
For about a month I was unable to have a bm and had no urge to go. I only went when I took a laxative, at the end of every week. Changes in diet, fiber pills, stool softners, water, etc. weren't working.
Anyways .. about a week and a half ago I started taking magnesium supplements, btwn. 400-600 mg every day and after a few days was able to have a bm without a laxative (I've totally stopped taking laxatives).
I was relieved that I was able to, but I'm concered b/c I'm going at least once to three times a day now but the stool is very thin and sometimes just pellets. It requires me to strain and it burns afterwards, and although it feels like something large is going to pass through, it's always thin stools or pellets.
Do you think that this is an improvement and my body is adjusting to the magnesium pills, and eventually the bm will increase in amount? I'm thinking that this is a definte cause of the hemrorrid..but I'm not sure what else I can do about this.
I'm also drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and started drinking green tea.
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