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Re: Ok, can everyone take a min and feel your....
      04/30/05 11:06 AM

Reged: 02/20/05
Posts: 59

Thanx everyone!!
The only reason I asked here is cuz one site suggested lumps anywhere in your trunk can be colon cancer.

Funny, cuz I think I messed with it too much and am now a bit sore there.

I feel something smaller and similar on my right side too, so dunno.
I do not have a personal Dr, when I finnaly see my GI it'll be my first Dr visit in bout 2yrs.
I typically only see Drs when I'm pregnant, which is a good long 9mos of regular visits.
It's insurance issues.....infact fearing the cost has kept me from the GI Dr more than anything cuz our insurance covvers like only bout 70% and we dunno if this counts.
Fun fun.

But thankyou to all who checked.
It isn't quite squishy, not even as rigid as a knot, it feels like gosh....dunno, it's attached but I can really maniplulate it around a good inch or so in any direction.
Judging on the slight soreness there now it could be muscle.

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* Ok, can everyone take a min and feel your....
04/29/05 12:36 AM
* Mine are normal. Don't stress.
04/30/05 02:24 PM
* Re: Ok, can everyone take a min and feel your....
04/30/05 08:15 AM
* Re: Ok, can everyone take a min and feel your....
04/30/05 05:59 AM
* I have something like that...
04/29/05 09:21 PM
* Re: Ok, can everyone take a min and feel your....
04/29/05 12:44 AM
* Re: Ok, can everyone take a min and feel your....
04/29/05 01:23 PM
* Re: Ok, can everyone take a min and feel your....
04/30/05 11:06 AM
* Re: Ok, can everyone take a min and feel your....
04/30/05 02:36 PM

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