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Re: ativan/lorazepam-same thing
      04/28/05 07:09 AM

Reged: 03/16/05
Posts: 20

So far I have only taken 1/2 of the .5 dose. And I did feel the drug in my system. I kind of liked it, the feeling was soothing. Right now I have taken it two days in a row even though I am not under any specific stress. I just want to get a feel of how it makes me feel. I know this drug would probably be of big help to me, even the doctor agreed, but she also pointed out that it couldn't be used long term because of the addictive quality. At this point in my life after 20 years of IBS. I really don't care if I am addicted to it in the long run. I hope people don't think I am an idiot for saying this because I do understand the workings of an addictive drug, but if I could be on this for 1 year at a low dose and have 1 year of peace and tranquility then why not let me. 20 years of IBS is more than any person can take and I am running out of steam. ( I know that your body gets used to this kind of drug, and then needs more and I think so what take a little more. Then when it gets to the point where the doctor would have to say alright you need to stop taking this, at least I would have had all that time with some calmness in my soul instead of misery from this curse of a disease. I need a break from myself and this IBS. I know if I was some scitzophrantic(I know this is spelled wrong) they would have no trouble allowing me to be on this drug for a long term. So I feel is my disease that less important than that. Why am I not entitled to some peace just because IBS is not considered some major disorder. Sorry for going on and on. I couldn't even go on my 10 year old sons school trip to swim with the Manatees because of the IBS. That made me very sad.

Edited by MT (04/28/05 07:23 AM)

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