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Ok more confused....
      04/06/05 11:59 PM

Reged: 02/20/05
Posts: 59

Well you all describe it 100%!!! Totally, gosh that feels so good to feel all of you understand!
I swear it is sometimes like I'm lost in a foreign country and then come here and you all speak my language!!!
Ahhh group hug! *sappy music plays*

Ok but how would I know of this were a colon tumor,
a gall bladder issue
or being caused by Acacia fiber???
*worried look*

I kept on with my fiber intake but no more attacks.
I figured I was just having a bad bout.
So crazy to talk so nonchalant bout it now cuz during it is absolute agony.
Images of Braveheart on that table getting his innards ripped out always go thru my mind during such an attack.

Bethany I SO feel you!!
That IS the phobia totally!!

I'd love to know if anyone ever had such an attack in public and how did you handle it??
I atleast think I did once after eating Taco Bell and a big thinga MtnDew. Like 20min later I was in absolute agony and screamed at my boyfriend to pull over.....I ended up doing royal D in tall grass on the side of a turn-off to the highway!!!
fun fun

For as much as this phobia lingers, it is funny to say how so not a big deal that was. It's not like anyone saw or knew or the whole World stopped and stared at me.

My phobia is more of embaressment then I guess.

Ok and Beth, my daughters name is Bethany!
And nope childbirth is like WAY worse!! Especially cuz the pain lasts hrs instead of maybe 30min on a toilett.
My first born took 12hrs to get out....2hrs of pushing.
IBS is a walk in the park!

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* Strange new occurance....
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* Re: Strange new occurance....
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* Re: Strange new occurance....
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* Re: Strange new occurance....
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* Re: Strange new occurance....
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* Re: Strange new occurance....
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* I agree here!
04/04/05 11:18 PM
* You Poor Thing
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* Re: You Poor Thing
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* Amy - slightly off topic...
atomic rose
04/05/05 08:22 AM
* Hmmm, oh and Amy
04/05/05 01:23 PM
* Casey, yep...
04/05/05 07:36 PM
* Ok more confused....
04/06/05 11:59 PM
* Re: Ok more confused....
04/07/05 03:35 PM
* I think I'd rather childbirth!!!
04/07/05 01:44 AM

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