I'm a mom and I breastfeed. We are also trying to get pregnant. I have a long history of Anemia that I've usually dealt with fine by taking Prenatal vitamins for most of my life. Prenatals have an abundance of everything since they are designed to take while pregnant/nursing. They have like 175% iron. I think.
Anyways, well since reading Heathers book I quit thinking the Prenatals were bad. I noticed minor improvement with IBS, but needless to say I became anemic again. I also got sick a lot. And since I am nursing then I became real tired and my skin dry. obviously nursing zaps MY nutrients and hence the need for Prenatals.
I really need to take the Prenatals again, but am scared! I am not sure what about it is so bad for IBS.
I do not buy into this hogwash about getting all your nutrients from food. Especially now when I can only eat white bread, no milk, few cereals, few veggies, rarely fruits etc. I was eating healthier before, but ofcource doing so with raging IBS then.
As a nursing mom and trying to get pregnant then I need more than food can give me. My WIC lady is furious that I stopped taking my vitamins.  And she is a prof nutrientionist.
So my ? is ok WHAT about vitamins is bad for IBS?? And if I'm required to still take them, can I do something to help, like I dunno take more Fiber, take more Peppermint caps?? lol I dunno
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