You've come to the right place. This site is full of people with great advice. I have (had) the same problem. I couldn't tolerate food. I was so scrawny that I looked like a skeleten. Well actually I looked like a pregnant skeleten becuase my belly was always bloated from the IBS. I was also afraid to eat becuase I never knew what would set me off. But now that I've been follwing Heather's diet I found that I have been able to put on a little weight (not much but I'm not withering away anymore). Alisa it doesn't happen over night. Start with the "What to eat When you can't eat anything" foods and work your way up. Don't worry. You'll get there. Also it's important to discuss with your doctor what you are doing so he/she can moniter your progress and give you advice and help when you need it. IF you have a good doctor he/she will be encouraging and helpful. Just take it one day at a time and consider each food that you swallow to be a victory. Visit this sight often and keep asking questions. One thing I doscovered since I started visiting this site is that there is No Such Thing as a stupid or embarressing question. We are all in the same boat. Lots of Luck. Chany