I have a question for you...if you don't mind? I was a voice major and am contemplating doing some projects with my voice. And I find when things go awry with my body...my singing/acting is affected.
Can I ask what happens to you?
I find my throat hurts from fibro or whatever is ailing me (we're still unsure of that diagnosis...). I also find bloating makes it hard for me to brathe and it effects deep breathing one uses for optimal vocals. Does this sound familiar?
I'm sooooo sorry you are going through all of this in colleg. Things got bad for me within my 1st few months of marriage and have goten worse since (however...I have started feeling better....).
I hope you are feeling MUCH better and that you get to the bottom of all of this soon. Check out the IBS Fitness Board for ideas on gaining weight as well. You're NOT alone *big hugs*