Yikes...I honestly thought mustard was alright. I've just been eating the plain ol' French's Yellow Mustard. I've actually probably increased my mustard intake, trying to avoid other condiments because I thought it was the safe one.
Oh goodness, honestly, that's quite a downer. You see, I'm a bit of a mustard connoisseur (if there even is such a thing!). Started with brown mustards and spicy mustards, then honey mustard, lately the most delictable raspberry mustards, etc. I backed off on all those others, as they almost always have dairy or are no longer fat free so I assumed that would be pressing my luck. I guess I just thought that because it was fat free, and "pure" it would be fine. What is it about mustard that makes it dangerous too? Are there other foods that fit the same "guideline" that I've missed?
What about ketchup? (I haven't used any in a long time though, I don't think I even really care for it. But I feel like I need *some* kind of condiment, for the moisture at least!) I've used a bit of low fat mayo also (although I checked the label and it has no dairy and only egg whites), what about that? 
Thanks so much.
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