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IBS with very small budget
      03/07/05 07:39 AM

Reged: 03/03/05
Posts: 2

Thank you for your replies. Pardon me my limited English :/ I meant to say that I am not eating any other insoluble fibre than brown rice but only because white rice means huge bloating. And as I said, I do not tolerate soy products. I am not taking any probiotics. I cannot buy them here. Hey, this is Eastern block: bananas came to market 15 years ago. Rice krispies are not yet on the market. I tried corn flakes, but got terrible pain for all day. This is not any fat-free culture, either. Healthy food can be found only in special stores and is really expensive – not available for normal workers like me. Wheat causes me huge troubles, so bread is completely out of question. Moreover, I cannot order anything from the Internet, because that would require some kind of credit or payment card, I guess. And "lean, organic chicken or turkey" is completely unknown here, among other things.

My candida overgrowth was not officially diagnosed by any doctor, but by one naturopath. Last year I went through medical examinations in the biggest hospital of the country, with the best specialists. Nothing was wrong, so the doctor said that my colon is just "very irritable" (I heard this after 'mere' 25 years of suffering…). He advised me to eat lots of müsli, pasta, white bread, apples and bananas. They make me feel really bad, especially müsli. You know that feeling, like your stomach was bursting due to severe bloating. And I was prescribed something including lactose, which of course made me feel only worse. So I have been forced to search all the information on the web and just test all foods one by one. I have eliminated from my diet almost every known allergen, except fish. I do not have any hypersensitivity, only lots of intolerances. But what I eat must be affordable. I never eat vegetables, fruit or berries. I never drink water. The question is, how long can you go with rice and tuna? I'm afraid of gaining.


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* IBS with very small budget
03/07/05 07:39 AM
* Re: IBS with very small budget
03/07/05 07:43 AM

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